BAN APPEAL perma banned me if i do anything out from the rules

  • Steam profile://

    Reason for ban:

    Date of ban:

    Server you were banned on:freezzer #sandbox #1-1 UNTURNED

    Staff member who banned you (leave blank if you don't know):RenegadeNine

    Why you think you should be unbanned:i cant wait for 30 day to get unbanned just unbanned me if i do any thing that is not in the rules perma banned X(

  • Listen here pal, you are not in any position to cut a deal like that, after all we did not force you to glitch. You did that yourself and now you must face the consequences whether you like it or not. We will only unban you if we (Freezzer Team) agree to it, and making another ban appeal is not helping your case at all.

    Do not make make a fourth ban appeal now, and stick with your original appeal thread (Link).