so i was playing normally, i lagged out and rejoined, when i came back i spawned on a rock beach and only i would lag and kept getting stuck underground, instead of someone HELPING ME *cough* Grey *cough* i was banned, i wad no time to explain or talk, banned, i feel i didnt deserve to be banned when the admin or whoever didnt know what was going on, from what i could see, they wern't even there! i want an unban or a fair arguement!

banned when the "exploiting" was out of my controll
- Issac Clarke
- Geschlossen
should i be using this?
Steam profile: W3ΔPON1ZEl〕™
Reason for ban: exploitingDate of ban: 3 / 10 / 17
Server you were banned on: both sandbox servers, although i think it was on #1-3
Staff member who banned you (leave blank if you don't know):
Why you thing you should be unbanned: unfair arguement, i had no time to explain and it was out of my controll (im pretty sure you cant just put yourself under the map when you want, now can you?)
just unban me or help me understand the ban,
You'r friend, WEAPONIZED
First of all, if that was the case, why were you blowing stuff up and shooting other people from underground (tons of people complained about being shot from underground)? I even remember you saying something like "... hey Mediumpig! am underground come tpa...", so not only were you messing around, you even wanted others to join you and encourage more people to try this.
Secondly, I warned EVERYONE not to glitch or spam in a foreign language. You're saying that it just randomly happened to you? Welp, I never had this happen to me during my 580+ hours on Sandbox... No time to explain, eh? Well, we don't need your bullshit explaination. BTW, you didn't ask for help nor were you willing to stop.
You mentioned something about us not seeing you glitch, here's the Proof.
Your appeal is not strong enough to make us question whether if we made a mistake on our part and unban you. Why? Because you got caught red handed and have nothing to defend yourself with.
Thanks for appealing, though.