How much time should I spend on server to appear in top 10 (for example K/D). I asked becuase I have nice K/D And I want to know how can I come to top list.

Server statistics
- Paranormal
- Erledigt
There is no PLAY TIME requirement, instead there's a MINIMUM KILLS requirement for it, which is above 2,000 kills I think.
This is to discourage people from just stacking up kills by cheap tactics or farming for a good K/D, and overtaking everyone else who worked hard to earn their place there.
Okay, thanks!
that being said i have about 985 kills and am rank 8 on EU XD
that being said i have about 985 kills and am rank 8 on EU XD
Survival has a lower minimum kill requirement because you do not encounter people that often as you do in Sandbox.
Oh didn't know this post was about sandbox .
if there was no restrctions then everyone will get 30 kills and 0 deaths by spawn farming and fill up the leaderboard no?