Stimmt, du befindest dich in der Bannliste. Wird hiermit bestätigt.
Beiträge von Simon
Könntest du uns bitte den kompletten Grund nennen der angezeigt wird?
Thank you for your report. The problem has been solved.
Thread closed.
We're currently working on a RP server.
I'll try to find the cause of it. Thank you for your report.
I just tried it by myself and I couldn't replicate this bug.
Mznr You don't really get my point, nor do you know the meaning of p2w.
I think @Tabalugga's question has been answered.
Thread closed.
Why do you have a VAC ban on your profile?
Mznr I'll immediately close our shop if you pay for our servers, I think that's a good deal. You have no idea how much I have to pay for it and how much I get from our Sandbox servers - where people don't have to pay for kits and stuff. I don't really care what you think but if you keep saying we are p2w just because you can spawn 3 boxes / hour with a subscription then I'll do something against your immature behaviour.
I think it's already fixed.
You can still spawn jets with some ammo tho.
You can just contact me through Steam.
You aren't banned, you're muted because you spammed.
You don't really need moderators on all servers because players can just tag @Staff in our Discord.
How about removing the ammo?
A mute-ban is for people to give them a little hint to change their "chat language" but if you keep being toxic we'll try to prevent that using appropriate punishments.
200iq You don't understand my point. It doesn't matter if it's a joke or not, it's still hack advertisement. I banned you for Cheating in the beginning because of 3 things:
* Player reports.
* Hack advertisement on your profile.
* Only a few hours playtime.
(* Some comments on your profiles (eg. "-rep hacker"))
P9nda told me a few hours later that he knows you and he promised that you're not using any kind of hacks - I believed him. First I wanted to lift your ban but since you do all this stuff on purpose just to get attention I decided to just change your ban reason. Your behavior leads to unnecessary reports by players and in the end we have to deal with those reports over and over again, just because you think "it's funny".
[...] and then a link to a unturned hackers youtube as a joke [...]
[...] I was advertising someone else's youtube not hacks [...]
By the way, now I can also add "Disrespectful Behavior".
Declined. Thread closed.
You were banned for 'Hack Advertisement' and having a bunch of alts. It doesn't matter if you were first banned for Cheating. The ban reason is clear, so don't act like your ban was a mistake.
Advertising hacks is not a joke but childish. And you're clearly supporting them if you do so.
PS: [...] not fit to be a admin in my eyes [...] is not a good way to start a ban appeal.