Beiträge von Simon
I'll fix it, please be patient. I'm not available 24/7.
Am besten hier übers Forum damit es jeder sehen kann.
Please try again.
The server isn't always empty. There are some problems with Unturned lately where you stuck in the loading screen, that's why.
It's not a plugin problem. There are 40 players online - building houses etc. - that's why. Try to adjust your graphics when you join one of our sandbox servers.
Just tell a Staff member.
This is due to the new update, just wait for a patch.
Thank you for contacting us. Please send us your right profile. This "ebspacepotato656" is not a SteamID nor a Steam Profile URL.
Try to die without being in a vehicle.
Please check again.
Hello, thank you for contacting us. This is the SteamID you provided: 652334458867865. It's not the right one but I'll change it to your current Forum-SteamID since I know your real profile now.
Weder die Zip-Datei noch das Programm werden von aktuellen Scannern als Virus erkannt.…1d92/analysis/1514920499/…07b9/analysis/1514920554/
Ich kann dir also nicht sagen, warum Opera die Datei als Virus einstuft, möglicherweise wegen Opera.
And If this is scam i will ask my money back on paypall, all i want is my rank even if its just for 1 month.
I'm trying to solve your problem, this is your last warning. Is it possible that you give me some more information than just "a long time ago"? (eg. exact date)
Then please send me something I can work with.
If you have some evidence, I would be happy to give you your rank back. Otherwise if you try to threaten us, I'll ban you.
We don't have any admins. Only Owner & Staff.
You can't buy permanent subscriptions for our survival servers.