Thanks to lool1234566 he helped me to make this poll
You're welcome.
Thanks to lool1234566 he helped me to make this poll
You're welcome.
Unlimited durability would get boring after a time, a longer durability will be better in my opinion.
You can see here how you create a ban appeal.
The protection is balanced very good, I don't see any problem with it. For players with a really bad PC, it can take some seconds to load the area when spawning.
And on this server is playing 2 cheaters they're shooting through walls and have aimbot
Do you have any proof? (Video)
I don't see any problem with it.
Tip: You can hotkey an umbrella, so you can "grab" your umbrella before you land to avoid breaking your legs.
I recommend you to read the rules before your friend provides false information again.
Describe us your problem, and we'll investigate.
Ban expired.
Thread closed.
The Bluntforce with a Makeshift Muffler and the Ace with a scope hasn't to do anything with 4.0, due the fact that the muffler and scope are just attachments, nothing more.
Hallo TheSimlander,
ich stimme dir da zu, dass es viel zu einfach und nervend ist. Was aber auch lustig ist, ist das wenn man die Spieler in den Jets anschießt, dass sie wegfliegen oder sogar aufgeben. Ich sehe sowas als "Challenge" an.
Tipp: Einen Poll zu machen wäre sinnvoller
Complaining is useless, it's better if you just say your problem.
Da dieser Report im Bereich "General Discussions" erstellt wurde, habe ich diesen nun in Reports gemoved.
You need to do a few quests to be able to receive the Ace with the 8x scope on it.
You could build a base, which has a kitchen, living room and a lot of more.
Simon could fix/add that.
Steam profile link + name + lool1234566
Real name: Temur
Age: 14
Game and Freezzer play-time: 1429 hours and 593 hours
Recent/Currently weekly + daily play-time: ~20 hours + ~5 hours I'm active, so I'm almost able to response to a report anytime.
About yourself: I live in Germany, I know every active player on Freezzer Discord and of course, known on the Discord server. I have fun on playing games like Unturned or others like Euro Truck Simulator 2. I'm going in the 7th grade and I'm pretty cleverly. My English skills aren't perfect sometimes, but I hope that this is not a very big problem due players will understand me if I'm typing a bit 'drunk'.
Why you would be well suited to become a Support-Staff: It's a high priority for me to response to reports, due it's destroying the fun of players who are getting annoyed by a player or what the report is about. I'm being friendly to players, so they won't get scared or something else. Chasing glitchers is pretty easy due I've got very much experience on Unturned.
Note: If this application is going to get rejected, please test me firstly as Trial-Support due I might change when having the role as a Supporter.
If you don't like to die in Unturned, just quit Unturned. Freezzer could block all weapons, including to punch. That would be PvE.
Guten Tag Lorenzo,
ich bin zwar kein Supporter oder vom Personal, aber ich kann Dir gerne Fragen beantworten.
1. Steam Overlay funktioniert nicht?
Ja, dieses Problem wurde durch BattlEye (Anti-Cheat System) verursacht. Das BattlEye-Team arbeitet schon daran, es zu beheben.
2. /help oder /shop kann nicht funktionieren, da das Steam Overlay nicht funktioniert.
3. Mit den 50€ Rang musst Du mit Simon reden, da ich kein Zugriff auf die Ränge habe.
4. Die richtigen Server, ohne Cheats?
Ob Du jetzt Survival oder Vanilla meinst ist mir unklar. Ich werde ein Bild anhängen, wo Du alle Survival Server Dir ansehen kannst. Beachte, das manche NoBuySell stehen haben, das heißt ohne /market, /buy und /sell. Nur alle deutschen (das heißt alle die mit [GER] anfangen) haben den Market.
Ich hoffe, dass es Dir geholfen hat.
I'm not kidding. It's a funny challenge, to kill players while they're flying in a Jet.