Beiträge von Mim1805

    Application requirements:

    Game Playtime: 555 Hours

    Freezzer Playtime: 52 hours 23 minutes. <--- This playtime doesn't show how active I am on Freezzer network itself. I only joined recently and I have started to become very active on Freezzer arenas. I'm always complaining to staff members about rule breakers in the game because I am online a lot and get to see all of this. I would not apply to then become inactive as it wastes my time and yours.

    Age: 16

    Language Skills: I am fully English.

    Application Format Name is Mim1805

    Real Name: Liam

    Game And Freezzer Playtime: 555 Hours and Freezzer is 52 hours

    About me:

    I think I will be well suited for the Support role because I have started to become really active on the Freezzer servers, the main server I am on is Washington Arena 3-2. I always see rule breakers that I cannot do anything about apart from annoying the staff on discord. Being able to become part of the Freezzer staff team would be really cool! I would meet a lot of new people and be able to help the server itself. I am a fun guy, I can sit down and have a laugh with the players. I can also become the staff member I am expected to be when needed. I will be online a lot making sure to enforce the rules correctly.