Beiträge von CKB4

    Well like i mentioned UW is a cool one to me but there are others like illmatiks little bird/Bradley/Humvee mods. There are also halo mods and futuristic mods. Then there are just gun mods which would be like gun box. Then clothes like letigans clothing. Also there is maps like PEI large, overgrown 3 and things like that. Sorry if i spelled anything wrong i was just trying to mention some mod ideas.

    I know there's lots of great mods that add weapons and vehicles and clothes so why not make a sandbox server with some popular mods. I personally play on The Official UW(Unturned Wars) server but it's not to fun with limited kits so if that was sandbox...there are lots of other great mods out there that you could add to a sandbox server. This is just a suggestion, and I hope you read this!