Beiträge von Acid

    No u get me totaly wrong Acid. For sure good player's will use 3rd person cause u will be much better with it. But I'm talking about the situation if there is only 1st person. As soon as it's available again I will use 3rd person too. But if there is no 3rd person available, the skill gap between good and bad players is bigger.

    I've had this in much survival games like DayZ, Arma Mod's, Rust etc.. Good players with map and strategie knowledge and good spotting skills will lose this advantage and it's more a who has the better aim or more netcode luck. If everybody is using 1st person it's more a challange to spot and the guy which is not used to it will lose so badly against the player with good spotting skills by using strategies for example shoot some zombies, run arround the whole combat field and spot him from behind while the other is running to the shots cause he doesn't know it's a trap. You know what I'm talking about? If it is even and both play in 3rd person the skill gap between good and bad will be small. In 1st person the skill gap between good and bad player's will be much bigger. I don't know but i hope u understand what I'm talking about.

    I started this game last week and the first I've done was looking for 3rd person because if it's on, it's stupid not using it. I only pref 1st person if everybody has to play 1st person and i enjoy it more cause i have tons of strategies to outplay people even if they have better aim. Spot first > win. But hey, just my opinion out of my experience with games like this since years. 3rd person will make this game a camper game and u should agree with me: it's no fun run arround the map and behind every 2. corner is a sniper already spotted your arround the corner or over the hill and waiting to shoot you in the back. :D

    Haha ok, I understand you now and yea I 100% agree. If the server is only one first person, more skill will be required like I said and there will be real "pros".

    Uhh I don't think you know what you're talking about. 150m is very short and the maplestrike doesn't have high recoil. The honeybadger can outgun the maplestrike but aren't we talking about matamorez vs maplestrike (both primaries) in the first place.

    "Have done, am doing & will keep doing." - Wew skilled player, good job.

    How does comparing its stats to another gun affects the guns use? i dont see the logic. And the maplestrike is just too shaky, you have alot of better options for a riffle, honeybadger,heartbreaker & sabertooth to name a few.

    The fact that it has 150m makes the matamorez NOT a sniper. By definition, a sniper is a guy who shoots from a far distance and 150m isn't a far distance. Also what do you mean the maplestrike is too shaky? :P

    The honeybadger is a secondary weapon, not a rifle. Heartbreaker, yea one can use it as it has a high damage output but also low rate of fire and higher recoil. Sabertooth? Really? You're gonna outgun a maplestrike with a sabertooth? Hehe xd

    You are wrong. Yes, you become better with 3rd person. But the skill gap between good and bad players will become smaller.

    So good players have more profit from 1st person. 3rd person is more casual player friendly. U don't need to be good in spotting. Just look arround every corner and over every little hill. In 1st person u can't just run without brain. You have to know the map, plan a route which is working with your strategie. For example you try to float the enemy only with the information u get from the gun shots because u don't want to get spotted by facechecking. In 3rd person u can fucking facecheck without showing your face. Maybe now u understand what I'm talking about. And i dont want to talk about the glitches. Some are still working and they ARE gamebreaking no matter what u say :D

    Forgot that: I don't think the poll is for implement 3rd person or don't. The admins have to do what they think is best. They should know about most of the glitches players will abuse. There are some players using every advantage they can get even if it's kind of a exploit/glitch. I've seen some ppl camping at the spawns and just spawnkill other ppl just to tell everybody about theire 53424 KDR. I've just made this thread to see what other players think about that. I will be ok with 1st and 3rd person. I just prefer 1st person cause of my reasons I already wrote.

    "so good players have more profit from 1st person" - Sorry but good players use third person and most of the time a third person player will win a fight against a first person player, that's how it is.

    "3rd person is more casual player friendly" - You might be surprised but a lot of new players prefer using first person.

    "U don't need to be good in spotting. Just look around every corner and over every little hill." - I don't really understand your point. You're trying to say that "real pros" use first person because they don't have the advantage of seeing players without actually showing their face. However it is a fact that third person players will still win so I don't really get you.

    "Some are still working and they ARE gamebreaking no matter what u say" - Third person glitches? There's only one which enables you to see behind walls but not a lot of people know it and even you might not know it because it sounds like you don't know what you're talking about. It's not "gamebreaking". Do you know what is "gamebreaking"? Doing a glitch that crashes the server or lets you enter bases without explosives.

    "There are some players using every advantage they can get even if it's kind of a exploit/glitch. I've seen some ppl camping at the spawns and just spawnkill other ppl just to tell everybody about theire 53424 KDR" - So players use the third person glitch to spawnkill people? Wha? You're not really making sense.

    Like, I agree with you to a certain extent. For example, if the server is only first person. Players will then require more skill to be able to outplay others. But in a both perspective server, there's no point saying that first person requires more skill and third person players are unfair.


    Depends, one is more of a sniper and one is a bad assault riffle.

    Last time I checked the grizzly has a range of 300m and the matamorez a range of 150m so I doubt you can classify the matamorez as a sniper. Also why do you say the Maplestrike is a bad assault rifle? It's the best in my opinion.

    Maplestrike all the way. Matamorez has a range of 150m while the Maplestrike has 200m. The Maplestrike has better accuracy and is very easy to use. With full attachments, the recoil is very low and the accuracy very good. People choose the matamorez because it kills a player with 2 shots in the head and 3 in the torso and thus they can just simple spray with not much effort. Majority of the "pros" use the Maplestrike and it's overall just a better gun in general.

    Nesatorix Then you're kinda contradicting yourself because you stated that 3rd person is advantageous unfair.

    DanielPx Yea I definitely agree with you. Some players who use third person can't even play using first person. If it's 1st person only in the server, it definitely brings equality because the "noobs" and "pros" are on equal level without any advantages.

    "too op and gamebreaking" - I don't think "op" and "gamebreaking" are the right words to use. It's more of an advantage. That's why I mentioned that the player who uses third person will most likely win against a guy in first person.

    "cause u can spot ppl in a way it's not supposed to be" - "not supposed to be"? Third person is part of Unturned and once again it's more of an advantage and most good PvPers will use it rather than first person as it is overall just better.

    "I also saw some videos with 3rd person glitches." - You used to be able to glitch and see behind walls but not anymore.

    "look arround corners or over hills, spot ppl without getting spotted." - Once again, it's what third person is, it gives you a better view and enables you to anticipate people.

    MTN made a video describing first person vs third person, stating its advantages. I get your point, third person is too op and newbies will get rekt by it. Third person is part of the game and most experienced players will use it. People will then need to learn and realise its advantages and start using it. It's just part of skill really. An experienced player will always use third person to check corners.

    You are right that the game will take a lot more skill to play if there is no third person though. But third person is in the game and you can't change it! Since you know third person is better, then you should use it too so it won't be "unfair".


    Everyone needs to learn. In the first few months of playing Unturned, I never used third person to shoot, but I was always in it when travelling around and it's give you the advantage. I then started to use third person for aiming and shooting as well as it is much better than first person. A player using third person will always win against a player using first person, that's how the game works so get used to it! I personally use both first and third person. If you do not like third person, you can always play in first person only servers.


    I have noticed when I have been killed by "?" there is always a glitched or frozen player at a spawn area. If you shoot at them nothing happens not even blood splatters.

    Yes 100% true, I saw some guy floating in the sky too.

    I still do not think it's a hacker. I've met a lot of "?" players and I've been one a couple of times before too, without my knowledge until the guy starts calling hacks. Just rejoin the server and it's fine most of the time.