Beiträge von Lolotres

    Nope cuz we didn't expect that to happen, got only picture with him wondering how we put hatch in place you will see in picture. Later, Kokhou i think came there and destroyed hatch and doors and killed this glitcher and one other with him. So got only this pic while he was traped in there, cuz he glitched IN but couldnt glitch OUT because there was hatch there ! T42pKqI

    Confirmed glitcher/hacker. My bro and i managed to put hatch on Holman island in that area that leads underground, arturntbarturbond 2 times glitched/hacked thorugh floor, and killed us, there is no efing way he could have enter there but he did, his answer when we figured out he was glitching/hacking was "i had bedroll under table" even tho he didnt. I know this post of mine goes as "naming and shaming" but i realy like your servers and having guys like this one aint helping at all, actualy it is doing oposit. Feel free to delete my post bcz i don't have proofs but i stand behind everything i wrote here.