Beiträge von BrtxPL
ACE | Inv1ncible I can't understand why
I hope Survival servers will be full in future...
Involved Player(s): Real Shock
Offense: Threat
Server: Russia Freezzer #5
Time: 21.10.17 and 22.10.17
I have different nicknames on screenshots: Efrem from yesterday and ThreeDots today.
Okay, thanks for answer
Is PayPal the only way to buy anything on Freezzer? I asked out of curiosity.
Btw. if I will write something like that i will be unpunished?
That's not good...
I don't know what is enough for punishment, but i think that this guy should get it. Anyway thanks.
Involved player:
Offence: Bad language.
Server: [EU] Freezzer #2 PEI
Time: (In my country - Poland) 21:04
Involved player: bula761
Offence: He offended me as you can see at the screenshot (in Polish).
Server: [EU] Freezzer #2 PEI
Time: 28.07.17 17:48
This guy made mistakes in Polish language xD.
I can translate his message if it will be necessary.
Okay, I'll do it
Oh... but thank you for answer
I have one question, can i report someone, who was writting in different language, for example in Polish? If yes i will do that.
Thank you!
Okay, thanks, but how can i get my item back?
I had the same problem with my honeybadger
Just disappeared
I had 3 honeybadgers, 2 in my inventory and one in my vault. I had honey like secondary weapon and i put it on another honeybadger in my vault. After that one honeybadger disappeared, it wasn't on ground, it wasn't in my inventory and it wasn't in my vault too! I had this problem some time ago but only with my detonator (not expensive like honey). Any ideas what happened? And can someone try to fix it
Thanks for any help