Beiträge von Roger Dickson

    Steam profile:Roger Dickson (

    Reason for ban: Beleidigung | Server

    Date of ban: 2016-01-17 18:13:30

    Server you were banned on: All servers

    Staff member who banned you (leave blank if you don't know): Freenex

    Why you think you should be unbanned: It was a long time ago,I don't really now what i said or did,but i have never hacked in my life.I apologise if I offended anyone.I probbably got banned at about time i stopped Unturned (I searched it on Banlist),and i found out that I'm banned today lol.I hope you can unban me because all of my friends play on these server and you guys have the best creative servers! My old name was MLG Sanic if it's needed.Thanks in advance!