me and my 3 french budys wher building a base and imidetley this 5 yr kid starded troling pls do some thing
me and my 3 french budys wher building a base and imidetley this 5 yr kid starded troling pls do some thing
i was on courtin when fish seed that one guy whas in the glich base under prision
my frend tpa to him to have a pistol 1v1 fight but he was in glitch base
Edvin003(HUN) signing off
me and my frend where hiding in the weat fielld behind a haystack and when we tought we are safe he killed us trogh the haystack both of us
he only haves a honeybadger and thats all nothing else + from novere he comes and killed pepole like a ghost
this guy haves hax becouse every time i spawn he shoots trough walls i lag in and shoots and h i think haves aimbot on porofie on the guy
i dont have any like that
yea i was in 2rgames and he was too and i saw him gliching in there
he wanted me to tpa but i refused so he asked some russian i dont remember his name but he jumped out of the ground both of them so i know the mario guy is glitching
this guy making glich base evert time when he joins on freezer 2-2
his profile
so whats my punisment for how many days
1 of all i touth that my brother builded the glitch base but he didnt hes frend builded that guy so always lies to every one
i sent that traitor s steam profile link aready
i just whant to join back and start gaming and making vids
my brother told me that the guy told him that to invite some one ant that was me when i joined i tpa to my brother and when i did he disconected and my brother too 1 min later i got banned
but the base was builded full metal wall floor and roof
if he says thats not trouth or inocent he is lieing trust me he always plays the inocent but he isnt my brother just unfrended him for haking he was there when i tpa to my brother he just finised the glitchbase and disconected
pls trust me im inocient freezer is the only server what i like to play all my frends on there plays and i whant to play again i whont make random tpa i will just tpa to those ho i can trust and if i get baned again i whont say nothing on this web site
kaune i know this guy he always lies to me i whant to get revenge
he always says something whitch is not true
if you cant help i will ask freenex
not on my brother acaunt i sent
he s frend accaunt
heres the glitcher
this guy what i sent is the real glicher my brother and me are inocent me
and my brother
kaune i just relised that my brotheres frend was building
my brothers frend s profile here my brother seed me just now that this guy builded the glitch base
my brother just seed that he is inocent he just accepted tpa
and hes frens got afk and he ass well
my brothers frend is a lier he always says the lies
there that migt help
i can give you his name IF THATS HELP
but if he changes it i will write it down
and 1 more thisng he dosent know english so theres no point talk to him
Steam profile:
Reason for ban: Glitching
Date of ban: 2017-08-12 12:41:56
Server you were banned on:[EU]Freezzer#Sandbox#2-2[/i|/v|/save|/load]
Staff member who banned you (leave blank if you don't know): WildB3ast
Why you think you should be unbanned: I tp to my brother and i got banned automaticlly, and he didn't get banned. This is first time, can you reduce ban to a few days, it will never happend again.