Beiträge von Puppy

    Renegade if i may call you that. I'm only really on BulliPvP looking for glitch bases and stuff like that, on Reform i'm accepting application so i can put a lot of time into freezzer now due to exams are over for me so i've got a 3 month Holiday. Thanks Acid i do :)

    Real name: Kevin Aabo Joergensen

    Age: 15

    Game and Freezzer play-time: Unturned - 2,444 Hours / I've been playing on Freezzer for around 1 year now i quit Unturned some months ago and came back.

    Recent/current weekly + daily play-time: This week 42 Hours because i've got exams, which are done now / 5 hours today atleast / I can probably be online 10 Hours a day because Exams Finish.

    About yourself: My name is Kevin Aabo. I like to play Unturned around 20 hours a day on many diffrent servers. I'm 15 years old and i live in (Alanya , Antalya , Turkey), but i'm Danish. My timezone is UTC +3 and i do not have a work in real life Yet. I've got a girlfriend, she is on holiday at the moment.

    Why you would be well suited to become a Support-Staff: I think i am suited to be a Support-Staff because i've got a lot of experience i've been working with unturned servers for a long time and been staff on many servers and currently still are on some. I can put a lot of time into the servers now because my Exams are over. I'm very dedicated into helping out servers it's my habbit. I've owned some popular servers in the past and still own some. I know how to develope unturned servers and i'm descend at it i would say. I've been staff on many big communities also.


    Zombia -
    Owner / Running
    Supreme - Owner / Shutdown
    PandemicRP -
    Trial Mod / Demoted
    Uprising - Main Admin / Shutdown
    Zombiesia - Owner / Shutdown
    Valor - Owner / Shutdown
    Riot's Roleplay - Co-owner / Running
    Harry's Roleplay - Co-owner / Shutdown
    BulliPvP - Admin / Running
    Reform Gaming - Staff Manager / Running


    JSwag's Community - Manager
    LiamDoesGame's Squad - Stream Moderator / Partner
    Discord Invite Rewards - Helper
    Brad's Gaming Network - Famous Person

    My VAC Ban on my account is because i used a glitch in CS:GO and it's about 1 year ago, i don't know if that will effect the application. I can bring a lot of new fresh members in the discord , steam group and Server, i've got 242 people in my group in 1 day around 1 year ago. I have something so i can take screenshot of things, i can record videos on the server and take videos of hackers or glitchers for evidence etc... I agree to help everyone in the server no matter what unless they are asking for something that would make me abuse then i would not. If somebody was going around being racist, i would ask him why, and Warn him if he keep's doing it it's going to be a kick and if that is not enough i would punish him for real with a temp-ban. I would gladly send some proof of the servers i'm staff on and was staff on same with Communities. I've never really hacked in Unturned before only banned a few.

    Steam Profile:

    Hello. This is my Staff application take some time to read it THANKS!

    My in-game name is Sektor

    My Steam url:

    I'm currently 15 years old

    My location is "(Turkey - Alanya)"

    I've been playing in the server for some 1-2 months, or more i don't really have my time

    I think i deserve Staff because

    Well, I have proven to the staffs and owner on other servers that I am good at what I do and I am still learning stuff about the server. I will be online almost every time the other staff and owner contact me when they have to give me a task or a situation to handle. This is the only server that I really liked, because of its community and staffs that is why I really am dedicated to helping the server to improve more on every aspect. When it comes to playing online games I have never been busy, because this has been my whole life and I will never quit playing online games and I will keep learning difficult stuff about everything that I need. Even though there is sometimes a competition between the staffs, I will always keep in mind that we are all in the same team in this server and work with them to the extent that I could be close to all the staffs. Working as a helper for days made me realize that I have to improve more and get a higher role, because when there are no admins or mods. in other servers like Chingoon Germany and Washington some players takes advantage of the situation and break the rules. It is really annoying to my part because they do not respect me as a helper because they know I do not have a kick/ban command. That is why I really want to eliminate those who are breaking the rules and doing stuff that are not that pleasant. I wish I can really help the server and make it like my second home.

    I could help your server in many diffrent

    As I can see sometimes the only server that is being crowded with staffs is the Washington server which has a lot of players. That is why I would like to be a moderator to help the other servers like Germany and Russia and even Washington when there are no staffs available to help the players. I have really been dedicated to this server once I have played it and when I have played here for two days I immediately applied for helper because I really want to help and care for the servers and its community. I have been active for more than a week now and I have been really in loved with the server, because I have never cared about survival stuff, I just want to pvp and talk to players.

    If i was made Staff, i would me online (3-4) days, and (3-4)Hrs

    I have Expereince with many commands but i'm still learnig my way up currently

    What makes me stand out for the other applicants. I have a friendly spirit within me and I could really talk to people with a sense of helping and doing the right thing. I am active and online in the server almost 12hours a day because I just really love to interact with people from different parts of the world.

    I think i'm suitable for the role because. I am very suitable to the role because I always have my ears and mind open to all the things that is happening to the server and I report a bad situation directly to the admins and even the owner. Even the owner wanted me for this role because he knows that I am very active on other servers.

    Situations(Answer Using common sense):


    1.If there was a player spamming chat,what would you do?

    I will warn the player on his/her first attempt of spamming and i`ll give give the player 3 chance to stop and at the 3rd time i`ll kick him/her.

    2.If you were called names(EG,Admin abuse,Assh***,F***,Sh** c*** and so on),What will you do?

    I would talk to the player who called me such things and we will talk thing through which ever offense that I made to be called such names. If its just a trash talk, I will definitely warn the player and kick him if he keeps being salty about nothing.

    3.If you found a glitch base from a player,what will you do? What punishment will you give?

    I will automatically talk with the owner or if the owner was offline I will talk to the admin or head-admin about the situation and let him/her clear the glitch base. I will ban the player for 1 hour so he/she could learn a lesson not to make a glitch base again and if it happened again I will permanently ban the player.

    4.If you saw another admin abuse,what is the first thing you do?

    I will tell it directly to another admin or even the owner because it should be handled quickly, because it might be harmful for the server and the players in it.

    5.If you see a player hacking what will you do?

    I will ask him why the player did it and then I will permanently ban the player, because hackers are players that needs to learn to be a normal player and just enjoy the game.