I bet it's a bad thing to lie about stuff like this, so let me just get right in to it, and tell the truth about, what I did.
So i was on your server, yesterday around 15-16:00 (German time)
and wrote some pretty bad things, just for fun - but sadly it didn't end quite as fun as it started. I got banned, and I totally agree with the ban reason. If I was the Admin//Owner, I would probably do the same thing.
But now I'm just kindly asking, if I can maybe, be unbanned? I promise that I won't do it again!
Sorry, for everything I did, and said.
Thanks for taking your time reading this
Best Regards, Valkaya (Valdemar Norman)
Ban Appeal Format
Steam Profile:
Reason for ban:
Inappropriate Language
Date of ban: 23/10/15:30
Server you were banned on:
"[EU] Freezer #ARENA #3-2"
Staff member who banned you:
I'm not sure who it was, but the guy that did it, took the right decision, to ban me 
Why you think you should be unbanned:
Soo.. I did some bad things, and I'm really sorry about it, so I hope, that I can be able to play on your server, again! Cause, I like playing on your server! I really do!