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    I'm going to deny this appeal

    You can appeal again at a later date

    And allow your friend to appeal for himself.

    When you asked me to unfriend your buddy on Steam. I meant make an appeal based on the guidelines above, and he needed to make it. I told you this on Steam.

    Multi-language is a good skill because just because the servers say, US,EU, and GER doesn't mean they are the only languages spoken. We also can't stop everyone speaking different languages or sometimes what they are saying. So being able to speak several languages is a good skill to have.

    Night would still be there, just slightly shorter, I honestly doubt any difference will really been seen because most of the time it's just blank PvP so to speak. We're you're just running around killing and no temperance of it because your lust for the next kill. Also sneaking up on bases in sandbox doesn't really happen. 2 reasons: Eeason #1. People put sentries everywhere around their base. Reason #2. Nobody builds bases on Sandbox anymore. A few months ago you might've been able to find one but I have checked a lot of the servers and have yet to find one. Not even the remnants of a base like a single pillar.

    And some screens are darker, than others (like mine) and I have friends who play sandbox with me and they show pics of them being able to see everything practically fine in 3rd person. If I go on 3rd person at night it's pitch black. My screen is darker than if I had all my doors and windows covered with no way of light to come in (kind of an exaggeration, but it's dark)

    So I have recently had to get a replacement laptop since my previous one died. Since then I have noticed that at night I can't see without night vision. This makes me easier to detect, and prevents me from being in 3rd person point of view. I do not like this and I know that some people also complain of this. Night would still be in the game just not as long, and this would only take place in Sandbox servers, not survival.

    Sandbox is a Battle Royal but everyone gets gear. The closest thing to good loot is Survival and you have to hit the airdrops and grind.

    Well you have to provide vetter information. With this right he being so dull, plain, and bland your chances are slim because this doesn't show you want to really come back, and that you also don't want to be very cooperative towards getting an appeal. You need to make an appeal that shows you are ready to get an urban because you want to join the servers again and want to apologize for doing whatever you did to get a ban.

    Play Alpha valley, there is a crashed plane (boom you got a plane) a then do Vanilla arena so you can find guns and have your Battle Royal :P

    The arenas we have are fine, and I don't think Unturned is fit for this it would kill everyone's fps. If you would like that try Arms 3's battle royal, or games like H1Z1:King of the Kill (10 dollars on Steam sales rn) and Player Unknowns Battlegrounds.