Beiträge von Sw3kMast3r


    I am Sw3kMast3r or thats my game name atleast and I got banned on the Freezzer serversI was playing on on one of my favourite servers of freezzer untill the lag starts. I got alot of lag and the first time I tried to suicide in the hope that I won't have lag after that, but it got worse everytime I spawned I glitched under the map cause of the lag. I suicided agaain cause I didn't want to get banned, but when I spawned I glitched under it so later when I was underr the map again someone spawned there and he hears me I didn't know that and I didn't make use of being under there. But soon enough I got banned.

    Heres some info:

    Steam profile:

    Reason: Glitching

    server: Sandbox 2-3, but when I join any of the sandbox servers it saysm banned ofr multiplayer.

    Executer: irmiz

    I really liked the servers so I hope I can get unbanned.