Beiträge von WildWolf525
Bcs they are here only to ban ppls for "being salty" lol they join like 1 time in 2 weeks on sandbox, they should get demoted for inactivity srsly soo much staff members and I never see them on sandboxes.
This ain't a ban appeal
It was a question quite much, read with understanding
and to this ban if supports I mean SUPPORTS not admins can ban for any period of time then it's just bad and u probably don't have a system for bans etc or do you?
Ban appeal rejected.
Your ban expires in 30d.Btw if we are here then tell me the reason why it's "rejected"
edit* that is longer than 2 sentences
I like chicken noodle soup, give me all of it before I go to your house and steal all your chicken noodle soup. ?
Ok how should I send it to u?
What's so wrong about the normal Rocket Launcher? Literally EVERY other rocket launcher is blocked.
You use c4 - takes a lot of time, probably will get shot.
You use Dfang - you make a lot of noise (unless using a silencer) and it takes time aswell.
You use a rocket launcher - it's quick, and less chance to get shot.
I see no point to complain about it.
If in PvP use your god damn dodging skills.
Are u kidding dodge skills against rpg? And if u soo Lazy to raid something with dragon or charges then just don't raid bases on sandbox lol rpg is annoying af and too op
Well, with the raiding nerf, RPG got another reason to not to get banned. Since it takes more than 200 bullets to raid a door, people would rather use 3 rockets.
they can use a c4 or dragonfang that got buffed
Why do they close a threat after they comment on it and don't even let other guy respond? In all forums Iv'e been (quite much) then it was never like that, like i don't understand it why do they do that it's quite much a nonsense in example a ban appeal, you appealed and he is just rejecting it without any questions or nothing, you should just write there something instead of insta rejecting and closing thread. It looks like supports are allowed to do everything how they want it no rules for them only not breaking the rules what are the same for all players, no ban-time system if they just want to ban u they can ban u for how long they want and that's fu**ed up. Thank's for your time reading this.
It's a sandbox and bleeding was quite annoying back then so
Ye that's an good idea but not on the normal sandboxes, maybe make some modded sandboxes instead of those empyty ones that are dead.
Modded sandboxes would be also nice when there would be more mods in it
Hello Freezzer community.
I saw in yesterday's update that Nelson added to the game a plugin where Grizzly, timberwolf and ekho could kill a player by a headshot whether or not the player has a helmet.
I think that would be great because it's very frustrating when, like me, you manage to headshot someone with my dear timberwolf at 250 meters of distance but the player survives because he has a helmet.
Also helmets will still protect you against other weapons' bullets.
Thanks for reading.
This is the worst suggestion I've ever seen, srsly u want to add a one shot head shot plugin on a sandbox server? you won't be able to play there lol.
This attachment is too op, internal suppressed and hides muzzle flash. Using this barrel on guns like Maplestrike would be horrifying. I suggest this barrel to be blacklisted to balance the server.
Still the muzzle break is better, it reduces your recoil.
I like it to be larger than before but smaller than the buffed Alice, if the two have the same space Alice would lose its purpose.
Ppls like to make custom loadout or play a role on sandbox like full ghillie sniper, police officer, coalition team, scpec ops etc it's why they want to make it bigger to fit in the clothings and have same space as the alice or bit less.
It's a no from me, finally it's fun to build a base or make a armored car etc... Only those rpgs are problem, if u want decreasse it then tell a good reason to do it lol.
I think the cyan color would be better for ppls to read this and get their attention.
yes i know the owner got more things to do but the owner / staff team can do it and it will take a while to make but at least people will have fun at Freezer Gaming
Owner has perms to the console and idk if staff will be aviable to do it.
I believe there was a poll on it and people disagree with banning it.
Well then it's quite dumb from them, rpg was never good thing on sandboxes.
trasher is also a solution
Cargo truck doesn’t have the problem, since there’s a large trunk you don’t need to put plates. Plus you won’t rubberband while inside the trunk.
Trasher is also a solution
nice idea but is this soo useful that owner will have to make it and lose his time on it? He has prob more Important things to do on the server than this.
focus rifles aren't op same as the banshee, focus rifles deal less dmg than normal ones like maplestrike and banshee is only good for cqc for medium ranges its bad I rather to use devilsbane for cqc tbh.
why not block the normal rpg its op and annoying if ppls spam it, if there's a big base or idk then u can use charges and it will be more fun instead of rocket spamming it, its sandbox server this is ment to have fun and not tryhard with rpg. Rpg is annoying af and way too op against ppls, you jump out of a jet and spam 20 rockets from air on example: prison on pei. Gl playing with guys that are doing it and not getting mad.