I just recently started playing on Freezzer again and I used to be a Diamond donator. I noticed that there is now a new rank system and that the US and EU shops are no longer accessible, does that mean that I can no longer get donator ranks?
Beiträge von wildsyde
I do not doubt that people will play on a Yukon server, but as with ANY unturned map there comes a point, not very long after you start, that nothing is really a challenge... regardless of the map. The only difference is that to start the "survival experience" on Yukon is harder than others, which just seems to discourage players rather than interest them.
Because of the lack of interesting loot spots on Yukon, people will get bored relatively quickly. I have played on some Yukon PvP and PvE servers, neither is it that enjoyable to drive and loot on, nor fun to pvp on.
As far as map mechanics goes, Yukon was a stepping stone for Nelson. It was the first map to introduce climate and body conditions, He quickly moved past that since it did not have too much effect as soon as you have some basic clothes.
Obviously this is my opinion and not a definite answer - but I hope this explains some of the reasoning of not having added Yukon until now. If you wish to make a poll on the forum, asking people if they would enjoy playing on a Yukon server, please do.
I understand, well then I hope it's a possibility at the very least to add a community map that posses a bit more of a challenge.
I've looked at Yukon servers most don't have a lot of players. They are usually empty and when they do have people playing' they complain because thetc can't get to a town in time before freezing decreases health and get hit by a zombie and die (never my problem)
That's just the thing, the way I see it, PEI and Washington (and to somewhat of an extent the current version of Hawaii) are the easy mode maps for the noobs, no loot progression, no environmental conditions, and easy to get/find/grow food. Then we have Russia which is medium with loot progression. Finally, Yukon is hard mode, due to the environmental conditions and difficulty of getting water and food. Yukon I feel is really the only map that actually makes unturned feel like it's a survival game since on yukon instead of guns and stuff being the most valuable, crops food and water are the most valuable items. I can understand why you say that there typically ins't a lot of people on them, cause it's really only a map that gets played by veterans who like a challenge, but I guaruntee if you ask the community, there would be at least a few of us who would like to play on yukon.
I couldn't help but notice that there doesn't seem to be a freezzer server for the Yukon map... might there be a possibility of adding one?
Oh God, there are so many ignorant players (not talking about you Tim) who immediatly call out "admin abuse" etc when they die. Especially in sandbox servers, a lot of players like to say stuff like "oh u use god and vanish" when we don't even have such rights xd
I feel you, I was a long standing mod on a TTT server a ways back and me and the rest of the mods would get accused of abusing power all the time, despite only doing our jobs and playing the game fair. People would literally say we were abusing and using no clip when we were simply prop surfing XD. That's why I rarely call abuse unless I know for sure that they are, since I've been in those shoes before.
So you think this is a problem? I just want to use it to earn money and let more people save money to buy those guns and ammos in the shop, If you think this is a problem I will stop.
I'm not saying stop, I'm saying tone it down a little, you added 85 pages... 85 flippin pages in 2 days!
In the past 3 days, Soul of Love, a fellow donor has filled the market with over 85 pages of items from his kits... it's literally getting to the point where you can't find anything but platinum kit items and sentries anymore.
I s fixing to say the same thing, it could've been a group member trying to troll you or something
Nah, I don;t even have a group selected at.
Righttttttttt, dude if i had answers i would give the to you XD but i think this is going to require some detective stuff
ill check it out tonight.
Just to rule out any possibilities, you didn't by any chance get intoxicated and forget what happened that night? Just checking ya know
Nope, I don't even drink :p
Freezzer #6 actually.
The weird thing is that the only things they did was break my bed, steal all of my crops and steal a canned beans that I had as a trophy from my first kill... that's it... nothing more, not my gear on my metal mannequins, nothing else.
So, I just recently started playing on the Hawaii server and I had built a nice base, completely made of metal, doors and all, so in other words, no way for anyone but me to get in or out without blowing a wall or door up. So, confident in the security of my stuff, I got to sleep. I wake up this morning and log on to find all of the stuff in my base stolen, nothing weird there, but here's where it gets strange. None of my walls/doors/roofs/pillars were broken... or even damaged for that matter. They were all still the parts that I originally placed since I could salvage them all. I'm not in a group so it's not like my group members could come and steal it, so how in the hell did this happen?
Haven't played enough Hawaii yet to make that judgement. Though it does annoy me furiously that the palm trees drop BLOODY BIRCH WOOD! COULD YOU NOT TAKE LIKE 5 MINUTES TO PROGRAM IN A NEW TYPE OF WOOD?
No, there's no outlines at Keryev, Moscow and Yekativurg.
Have you gotten the treasure chest yet?
Yep, like I said, I've already done everything up to that point. I completed research recovery, collected all the bones, skull and chest, placed them, killed 20 zombies, beat the pirate boss and collected the mini crystals.
So I'm not sure if this problem is clientside or serverside, but I'm currently trying to complete the MK. II puzzle. I've gotten to the part where I have to place and charge the 3 mini soulcrystals, but for some reason the outlines that allow you to place them are not appearing. Any clue why this is happeneing or how it can be fixed?
Scrap metal is ID 67
Work jeans are ID 2
I think you can see how I messed up.
Filters are pretty cheap on the server store and biohazard really doesn't provided that much inventory space, so I'd run with full military minus pants, cargo pants, alicepack and then a gasmask. Most trips into the deadzone will only need about 4 filters, which will only cost $60 on the server store.
Try: /v 93
Still says "vehicle not found"
Not really wildsyde, if you have a honeybadger as your secondary gun you're not that vulnerable, I should know, ghillie got me to 5.5k kills till I switched to a more medium range - close range setup
That's just it, the honeybadger is really only decent at close range. Like you said, a typically ghillie build is a long range main weapon and then a short range secondary, if you get engaged at medium range, say by someone with a sabertooth or a maplestrike, you're pretty dead, because once again, ghillies provide almost no armor, 2 headshots and your dead. -