Beiträge von Edy

    Steam profile link + name:


    Real name: Edy

    Age: 16 (about to turn 17 in july)

    Game and Freezzer play-time: 266hrs + 101.24Hrs

    Recent/current weekly + daily play-time: Weekly 21Hrs + and daily 6Hrs or 7hrs

    About yourself: I live in Aruba (a tiny island in the Caribbean) I'm a nice person and quit listen too.. I do speak 4 languages English, Spanish, Dutch and Papiamento (our language in aruba) I accept my wrongs, if I'm doing something and

    someone is coming and telling me what I'm doing is wrong and is showing me how to do it right, I will accept that I was wrong and I will learn from it

    Why you would be well suited to become a Support-Staff:
    I start to playing in freezzer Gaming's servers in this year and i really like it and I know almost all the rules, I will be well suited to become a Support-Staff and I'm really enjoying playing at Freezer Gaming's servers.

    Discord: Edy T R A S H#0897