Beiträge von Barlemon

    There should be veteran privileges indeed but in my opinion they should only be a visible thing, not having the extremely ultra broken /home command .

    Just have golden chat or anything else .

    (PS i still think that /home command is a pay to win like advantage for either campers, heavy raiders and basemakers)

    if they make it so that the /home is given to other players when they get a rank after completing objectives maybe it would be a bit more balanced.

    A smart person would know that shooting someone wont be very efficent if they are gonna suicide bomb them and you can take out the jets battery to prevent the victim to hear the jets noise. Plus you can add barriers so when you get close enough you wont be able to get shot by the victim. and the splash damage is not very avoidable if you place down a ton of landmines or claymores or something like that.

    Yeah but if a jet goes down you can just easily spawn another jet.
    Tanks are slow and are pretty easy to take out with a few RPG's where as jets are fast and to top it off they are FLYING which is impossible to hit with an rpg. And if you take a tank down the player would probably be shot to death before he can spawn another tank.

    This is not just a PvP server. Other players can build stuff and freezzer is the most popular server to build with your friends as not everyone is capable to make their own server and lowering the barricade health would just ruin those builders fun and not everyone builds they creations to vehicles and most commonly they will build it on the ground which you cant just respawn.

    Though i agree that the jets damage should be increased to 5 damage instead so its not completely useless when it comes to PvP and it would open a new style of GamePlay for those who like to fly planes. There are attack helis for that but you need a friend for that which is not as efficient as you have to coordinate your movements with your friend and there is also lag on the server that makes the camera too unstable to shoot. Barlemon

    Real name: Arda

    Age: 14

    Game and Freezzer play-time: Total playtime: 842 hours. Freezer playtime: 349 hours

    Recent/current weekly + daily play-time: Weekly 25-30 hours. daily: around 4 hours

    About yourself: Im a turkish boy named Arda (but you can call me connor, its easier to pronounce) living in an average house . Im usually calm and quiet most of the time. I try to be fair and nice with everyone though i can be a little mad when i PvP. I dont go witch hunting or something i just take PvP a little too seriously. I also like cooking and coding in C++ and I love video games, Unturned, Team fortress 2 and GTA V are my top 3 games. If you tell me not to do something I will stop as long as its not absurd. I can also speak english pretty well In my opinion.

    Why you would be well suited to become a Support-Staff: Now im pretty sure you got lots of applications and im just one of them, im nothing special just your average moderator on minecraft or discord servers but i have my special abilities. one of them being empathy, I can emphathize smoothly with other people and this can really help with moderation on a server and can prevent misunderstanding. I have also been a moderator in other discords and support on a few minecraft servers. Im probably better off being support then being a moderator. I also know most of the moderation commands and i can easily learn a new format. I will try to talk it out with people that dont follow the rules but if they leave me no choice i will punish them. Anyway, im not perfect but i have my uses and i hope you will accept me in to the team because I really wanna help this server get better.

