Beiträge von desmondthemoonbear

    Comparing matamorez and mk2 is not "ridiculous" at all because you are the one who said "I don't find normal to nerf Nelson's work.". From what I know mk2 is still Nelsons work so by ur logic we should leave it unnerfed. Other thing is that matamorez and mk2 are used a lot by players that join once and never ever come back which is annoying to players like me that play on freezzer daily. "About the whole kid camping thing, a guy called desmond on Washington spends his days camping on hills spamming with a grizzly..." Call it camping but in fact i move more while sniping than people that constantly stay on brown, grey, white and bridge. Others call it "camping" because they think that im prone behind a tree whole day which is not truth because i move while sniping. I dont think that moving around whole Seattle is camping.... to be honest i actually think that people that put plates on white and than just sit and wait for people to drop them are true campers. I am the one who moves around forests while they just stay on roofs waiting for people to drop them. Also i snipe because main point of playing for me is having fun which i dont have while using maplestrike. It simply feels much better to hit that 280m headshot for me than jumping around while shooting full auto. (I understand tho that jumping around with maplestrike is how is the game supposed to be played. It just isnt satisfying enough for me.)

    Now for you Johnmarston.

    Your point about mk2 being mythical is an absolute bs because it still can be just spawned using /i mk2 so my compare to matamorez is on point because they are both too op for the server.

    Also "maplestrike+T P+spec ops gear = OP" is actually good and balanced loadout cuz its good but it still requires some skill. (i dont use that loadout cuz im a sniper. I have maplestrike in my inv tho.)+Ppl that use loadout that u mentioned use it because they have fun using it. Loadout with guns like maplestrike and grizzly are OP only if you learn how to work with that loadout.

    "(Spawn)Camping will still be a "problem", mata or not." Spawn camping is against rules and its bannable. Spawn killing tho is still going to be a problem but we cant do anything against that. I was talking about ppl camping in trees with matamorez just randomly spamming it at players to FARM kills to have better K/D or to annoy others by doing that.

    "It is amusing that it's on a sandbox server that creativity is the rarest with the exact same inventories and player type." Not all players use same loadout and there is also a lot of types of players (same weapon does not make u a same type of player)

    I agree tho with "The timberwolf or ekho could be good if they were an instant-headshot kill but with lower body damage, rewarding accuracy over spamming" but grizzly still has only 5 bullets+most of the players that play on freezzer jump around so its still a challenge to hit (definitely harder to hit than to spam 36 bullets into someone from 250m+ where players that use maplestrike cant hit back or neither have enough time to switch to their sniper they use)

    Also yes horde beacons are a big problem of Seattle.

    Matamorez is not overpowered in survival (cuz its very rare) but in sandbox where u can just spawn it in its just too much.

    Automatic sniper that requires just 2 hs to kill and has range of 300m is too op because any kid can go and sit in a tree and farm kills using it.

    Quote from you: "I don't find normal to nerf Nelson's work." is just total bs cuz Nelson made this game to be survival not sandbox so its reasonable to nerf gun thats simply too op for the server.

    Another quote from you: "After all why would it be called sandbox if the server starts nerfing guns?" is also bs cuz in that case we should give mk2 normal stats and i dont think that its a good idea to have a gun that has no bullet drop, no recoil and 150 damage per hit cuz its too op and same goes to matamorez

    Last quote i would like to talk about: "Also since we start nerfing items that are better than others, we must nerf the grizzly. After all it deals the same damage that the 2 other bolt action snipers but with a much better firerate." Grizzly is needed because its last sniper rifle thats worth using.(after sharpsman rifle and hecate are gone) If you use Timberwolf or Ekho you have to wait pretty long time before shooting again so mostly before you take second shot your target is long gone and thats when grizzly comes in.

    I hope that im not the only one who gets annoyed when i get sniped from 250m+ by some random player thats trying to farm kills by sitting in a tree with a matamorez. Matamorez is one of two big problems that we can take care of other problem are players that hide horde beacon or multiple horde beacons in Seattle only cuz they want to troll or because they get angry at others.

    points 1 and 2 are really good and i agree but point 3 just sounds good but im not sure if it will work cuz servers are crashing a lot lately (i agree tho that ppl with 200ms+ are annoying)