Beiträge von Sluglife1234567

    Real name: Rojan Ross

    Age: 14

    Game and Freezzer play-time: Freezer server time 372+h, Game playtime 722h

    Steam profile:

    Recent/current weekly + daily play-time: About 5h a day.

    Discord: sluglife08#1948

    About Myself:

    I Live in the UK. I enjoy playing fun games. I like going to school with my friends. I have done a bit of coding. My hobbies is being a game creator. I want to catch hackers in games to make them even more fun. I like playing unturned and Minecraft.

    Why you would be well suited to become a Support-Staff: I would support the people who are new. Communicate with people. I can type English, speaking English is alright. I have a mic but I'm shy. I will only talk if its important like admins or staff. I'm a happy guy so I won't shout. I'm a friendly guy so if anyone needs help ill be there for you guys.