the kill streak idea is good i just see people spawn camping then getting the jet the time limit would be better in my opinion
Beiträge von Roxk_monster
i can't help but scream danger zone like archer when i seen this
well i was watching some of karma's vids (if you haven't you should) and i thought why not add vanilla servers people enjoy just vanilla i do, i know some others do and by vanilla i mean no plugins no shop no kits or v,i,p. normal arenas and sandbox is a good way to show your pvp skills but survival when you can buy your way to success through shop and kits it kinda takes away the whole survival aspect of survival so the vanilla servers would actually make it surviving a challenge again yeah the vanilla is a grind but i like grinding some times gives me something to do during my off time.
i know you can blacklist vanilla items in sandbox but can you do the same with workshop ?
if you are going to add any type of workshop mod mod that should not be add are the ones were people can spam game lagging anythings (nukes, multiple Grenades at once oversides vehicles
Link to new arena video, it's unedited and does have a watermark until I can get an editor. I will hopefully have ever this resolved soon so enjoy for the time being
you might want to ask karma or acid cause they both make pretty good unturned videos and they will probably help in someway
i wanna know how i did not see that water mark the first time watching the video
why is your chat so big? personal prefence?
maybe the nailgun like the old police kit but more mags
you should do that more often freenex
yeah it happened
you had three in a boat did you?
really he had a whole thread about putting a bounty on my me and my base
like really tho he will devote to destroy you and any any one you coop with
yeah about that let me give you the link
finally mf did it first post got featured on imgflip
when do you need to buy a callingcard