Beiträge von CincoTheAvenger

    This is solid evidence that he was the victim of a bug. I apologize for this, and I will take the bug into consideration (my input) on whether you are unbanned. You must understand I was unaware of this bug, and it could be misconstrued as hacking, which is what the players in the party alerted me about. Things seem to be difficult to pass on when 6 players are complaining about this.

    The staff will take this into consideration when making a final decision.

    Thanks for the clarification.

    Just screenshare him or something, don't just come up with some bs and claim that just because that character model has some clothes means he cheats. He has another witness to this case (thedragon455) as well. He also has no VAC ban history either. You guys should take into consideration that this could be lag/ a visual glitch, because your server's TPS was fluctuating a lot today. All of us in our group kept getting auto disconnected every 5 minutes.

    Well, he states that he was on top of a silver building within Seattle and arrived seconds later after the hacker vanished for you. Then you guys opened fire on Matt. And one more thing that I don't understand, how exactly did you guys deduce that it was Matthew that was apparently "flying" in the air? There's no possible way you could see a name-tag from that far away.

    I am thinking about this logically, and it seems right now to me that the anti cheat is flawed in some way. Besides, how can it ban a user seconds after you banned him yourself? I would consider bringing an admin who knows how the pluggin works and check the logs Matthew has set off, then determine whether he was cheating or not.

    Uh, he has no signs of having a mod loader in the menu. Can't you just instruct him how to check if he actually has anything installed? Being called for cheats in a game completely separated from Unturned literally is just one bad reason to even consider banning someone. And with the APC thing, you can buy an APC off your custom economy pluggin. He bought it using the money from paychecks, selling expensive items, and killing villains.