Beiträge von Nesatorix

    Well looks like u don't get me right. But for u and ppl who don't get the point i was talking about. Play Matamorez for some hours as a decent player and u will see the shitstrom coming in OOC.

    I think some ppl here should read the posts and think about them befor repost ;)

    Everybody complaining about Matamorez. Go, use it by yourself and stop fuck up ppl which just play it cause it's the weapon style they like. Maplestrike will kick your ass in close combat and can outrange you if the player is not stupid. Matamorez is a good mid range weapon and great against vehicles and structures.

    So every weapon has his pros and cons.

    Die FPS Pro's zocken auch mit niedriger Auflösung und niedriger Quallität. Es bringt nur Vorteile un gilt nich als Ausrede für irgendwas :P

    Aber zum Thema. Mir kam da eben sone Idee.

    Was wäre denn wenn man nur einen Server jeder Map auf 3rd Person stellt?

    What? You got me wrong again. It's so easy to play Maplestrike. Mata is more difficult cause u have to get closer and u can't go close combat.

    Edit: You will lose against Maplestrike in close combat cause of spray and range combat because Maplestrike can outrange you.

    PLUS - Dps on Maple is higher if you use the full potential of it.

    I have played long time with Mata and i rly like this weapon but much ppl, using maplestrike and shadowstalker (I don't wanna call them by theire names) flamed me hard for playing with Mata. Things like: use a real weapon you noob. In my opinion Maple is much stronger. I've started playing with it and you can spray in close combat and you can also spray ppl on 200 meter in less then a secound. All you need to do is lay down and while shooting pull your mouse a little bit down. I don't know the exact range of Mata but it felt like 125-150 meters only. So, maple is stronger if you are used to it.

    No u get me totaly wrong Acid. For sure good player's will use 3rd person cause u will be much better with it. But I'm talking about the situation if there is only 1st person. As soon as it's available again I will use 3rd person too. But if there is no 3rd person available, the skill gap between good and bad players is bigger.

    I've had this in much survival games like DayZ, Arma Mod's, Rust etc.. Good players with map and strategie knowledge and good spotting skills will lose this advantage and it's more a who has the better aim or more netcode luck. If everybody is using 1st person it's more a challange to spot and the guy which is not used to it will lose so badly against the player with good spotting skills by using strategies for example shoot some zombies, run arround the whole combat field and spot him from behind while the other is running to the shots cause he doesn't know it's a trap. You know what I'm talking about? If it is even and both play in 3rd person the skill gap between good and bad will be small. In 1st person the skill gap between good and bad player's will be much bigger. I don't know but i hope u understand what I'm talking about.

    I started this game last week and the first I've done was looking for 3rd person because if it's on, it's stupid not using it. I only pref 1st person if everybody has to play 1st person and i enjoy it more cause i have tons of strategies to outplay people even if they have better aim. Spot first > win. But hey, just my opinion out of my experience with games like this since years. 3rd person will make this game a camper game and u should agree with me: it's no fun run arround the map and behind every 2. corner is a sniper already spotted your arround the corner or over the hill and waiting to shoot you in the back. :D

    You are wrong. Yes, you become better with 3rd person. But the skill gap between good and bad players will become smaller.

    So good players have more profit from 1st person. 3rd person is more casual player friendly. U don't need to be good in spotting. Just look arround every corner and over every little hill. In 1st person u can't just run without brain. You have to know the map, plan a route which is working with your strategie. For example you try to float the enemy only with the information u get from the gun shots because u don't want to get spotted by facechecking. In 3rd person u can fucking facecheck without showing your face. Maybe now u understand what I'm talking about. And i dont want to talk about the glitches. Some are still working and they ARE gamebreaking no matter what u say :D

    Forgot that: I don't think the poll is for implement 3rd person or don't. The admins have to do what they think is best. They should know about most of the glitches players will abuse. There are some players using every advantage they can get even if it's kind of a exploit/glitch. I've seen some ppl camping at the spawns and just spawnkill other ppl just to tell everybody about theire 53424 KDR. I've just made this thread to see what other players think about that. I will be ok with 1st and 3rd person. I just prefer 1st person cause of my reasons I already wrote.

    It's just easier to play and the gap between low skill and high skill will become smaller.

    I know some ppl will disagree if I say it is a shooter but for me it is.

    Think about Counter-Strike or Battlefield in 3rd person.

    They don't have it because there is a reason.

    Good ppl stand out so much more with 1st person and I think that is the reason some ppl want 3rd person back. They can't handle a lose against a real good player.

    I'm talking about the medium skilled ppl which tell you storys about how good they are.

    It feels like 80% of the players I've talked with on freezzer are 100% sure they are the best player in the world and if they lose, the enemy was a hacker, it's cause of 1st person, you get flamed because, for example, the weapons you use or any other excuse. Most ppl are so cocky and mad. If you kill them they are going to hate you forever.

    I'm so out of topic. I'm sorry :D

    Man kann natürlich auch einfach die Maus leicht runter ziehen beim schießen. Spray control is mit der Maple halt n Witz und haut die Leute im Bruchteil einer Sekunde weg :)

    How am I contradicting myself? I said it's unfair and lame in my opinion :D

    All the stuff I've wrote is my opinion and i just want to see other's opinions.

    No, noobs won't get rekt. They will become stronger cause first person is much easier :D

    But once again - It's just my opinion I'm talking about.

    For me it is gamebreaking cause ppl with less experience can spot very easy with a (in my opinion) lame mechanic.

    It's less strategie and more pew pew and because of this the advantage of people with much strategie knowledge is gone because most strategies will become useless. The whole gameplay is more skill dependet without 3rd person and i rly enjoy it like that. Spotting is everything in this game.

    It is just stupid if u see ppl but they can't see you even if they are checking the area for enemys nonstop. Kind of unfair if u ask me.

    Hey, I just wanna know what most of u guys think about 3rd person. I've heard it will be implemented soon and I'm worried about it.

    In my opinion it's too op and gamebreaking cause u can spot ppl in a way it's not supposed to be.

    I also saw some videos with 3rd person glitches. For example look through walls and stuff like that.

    But it's not only the glitches. You can also look arround corners or over hills, spot ppl without getting spotted.

    Moin, ich bin zwar noch relativ frisch hier, möchte aber trotzdem etwas dazu sagen.

    Als ich gelesen habe das der Herr sich als Supporter bewirbt, ist es mir eiskalt den Rücken runter gelaufen.

    Ich habe noch nie eine so unsympathische und unsoziale Person wie ihn kennengelernt.

    Oft war ich schon kurz davor ihn beim Support zu melden. Allerdings habe ich es dann doch meist sein gelassen weil ich irgendwie mitleid hatte.

    Nachdem ich das hier jetzt lese muss es einfach raus.

    Der liebe TiboAngel beleidigt aufs übelste, droht mit Schlägen im RL und stürmt unangekündigt des öfteren den TS Channel in dem wir uns aufhalten, um uns zu beleidigen und belästigen. Grund dafür ist das ich ihn IM SPIEL gekillt habe. Natürlich gibts neben den betroffenen Personen als Zeugen auch Screenshots um die Anschuldigungen zu belegen.

    Ich bitte deswegen darum, dies zu bedenken.

    Hi, wollte mal fragen ob das Donatergehalt garnich übergreifend auf allen Freezzer Servern ist oder ob da ein Fehler vorliegt.

    Bekomme auf den deutschen Servern das Gehalt. Weil wenig los war habe ich mal einen der EN/EU Server besucht un festgestellt das es dort keinen Bonus gibt.

    Ist das gewollt?