No packpack..
Beiträge von Keaune
Nah.. if your going to use a green daypack, then why not fully switch to forest military? As the contrast between the two colours can really ruin your camo, you should try the ghillie hood before the green helmet and green hood, just to see. Sniper can't hear headshot what they can't see, right?
Green helmet and green hood work fine, but, no Alice or night vision.
Peanut butter calm down...
The reason I do that is, so that I don't get killed, because nobody is ever friendly on creative servers, so why not kill them before they kill you and you regret it? You can make the base again, this time tell your friends to use Skype and not voice chat or walkie-talkies.
Just try it and see the difference.
Believe it or not, they were actually talking about Ken and Barbie and how a new movie is coming out! :,D
Don't overestimate Ghillie (as many people do), though.
You're not going to be completely invisible.
These guys took their sweet time building it and saying things out loud on their microphones.. So, finding them wasn't hard. The interior of the base had so many decorations and a nicely set campfire, looked like a vacation home. But sadly, it had to go down.
The most dangerous person I meet is girl named Bella she keeped killing me from my helicopter when I was flying. I have heard stori of gray and acid but have not fighted them yet
Bella is Madax , and Madax's gender is unknown atm.
What?! 30 mins for a 4x4 base?
You can make another one, it's a CREATIVE SERVER!
Maplestrike all the way baby!
ahahaha, yes.
I would go with Ghillie.
Blue is Goldie, he doesn't play much as he is somebody's extra account (alt) made only to enter the leaderboard and leave. And he isn't that dangerous, TBH.
One of the mos dangerous I met was BartBart1220. He doesnt really play much anymore though.
Bartbart has a very aggressive style and is a bit overrated at times. Last time he came to Freezzer he was talking about how toxic the community became and people (mostly a guy named [spec ops][sniper][ZED]) were trashtalking saying that he sucks etc, when he came just to fool around. So, I don't think he will be returning anytime soon due to how the server treated him..
Yes, he still plays Unturned. I think he probably cheats on other servers or has hanged his cape and stopped cheating.
Playing like a honest man.
Who is the most deadliest player or players (as in team) you've encountered in the Sandbox servers, and why?
Don't bring in cheaters! (E.g Mauro)
I feel sorry for them, too.
Use portrait view on your phone.
I was tricked by someone into going there.. Let me explain.
As I was roaming around Washington,
carelessly, joyful, and actually trying not to shoot someone on sight,
I got a message from a friend, asking for help on the same server.
Did I go? Yes, I sent a tpa to them, and they teleported me under the map.
His name is the first letter of each sentence.