Well then maybe a problem with your connection or port? I dunno
Beiträge von Sora
Heartbreaker was my first but I lost love for it and moved on to the maplestrike as it was a big hit when I started using it and still is.
See what I did there?!?!?!? :c
If you have done /try once during the month, you must wait another month to use it again. Just for clarification...
I can see it alright, although I understand where you are coming from.
That website is the old server page so we don't really update or service it anymore.
Sorry for the inconvenience,
Oh, I looked on the server list from "Unturned-Servers.com Group" on the general forum.
I don't know if this is just me, but the text on server logos are too bright and barely visible. I suggest to change the colour of text under "Freezzer" to black or some other dark colour...
Involved Player(s): http://steamcommunity.com/id/Stratosvay112/ http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198204177956
Offense: Wall glitching (In lava)
Server: [ENG] Freezzer #SANDBOX #2-6 [/i][/v][/save][/load]
Time: 4:30 GMT-estimate
Evidence: http://gph.is/2mDIJvK <-- Not enough space for the video so I had to make a gif out of it.
Involved Player(s): Lucky [Lost his profile :/]
Offense: Spam, Racist terms (n word), death threats
Server: [ENG} Freezzer #SANDBOX #2-6 [/i][/v][/save][/load]
Time: 2:20 - 2:30 GMT
Evidence: http://imgur.com/a/5GvrN http://imgur.com/a/NH43W <--- I apologise for the second monitor and the strange things on it, I don't know how to remove it :/