Can't decide which skins to buy for my Ekho and Honeybadger, any good suggestions?

Stockpile or the community Market?
i bought tiger for ekho (community market) and lightning blue or whatever its called for my honeybadger (stockpile). Both pretty cheap, cant remember exactly how much.
Stockpile and market.
The Foxtail honey is a good one
Lol what's a lightning blue honeybadger. Anyway, darkheart/aftermath ekho and insane honeybadger to match your insane maplestrike.
Cryptic Honeybadger. And darkheart is the coolest but its expensive, and ive had aftermath for my grizzly for a long time so i find it kinda boring. Thats why i use the orange tiger skin for the ekho. Although i think the new-ish accelerator ekho skin isnt bad. Same with the foxtail honeybadger.
I don't find the voidstream ekho skin that good tbh. I think the darkheart one would still be the best. I have the accelerator one but I never use the ekho anyway.
I don't use the Ekho, so I can't recommend any good ones I know of. I can give some good Grizzly skins though