pls i jjust want to know what u get in sanbox in unturned

what is sandbox mode and what is the difference?
- OliBearzz
- Geschlossen
Sandbox mode is basically like creative. You can spawn in items, vehicles and experience points.
Sandbox is all out constant war, we're as survival is semi'war because it is a quick gun fight and it's over, but Sandbox is totally different. Some build bases on Sandbox servers others run around kos-ing and it gets crazy
Sandbox you need to have a good understanding of gun damage and ranges.
Sandbox you need to have a good understanding of gun damage and ranges.
This is a funny comment regarding the current meta and this should be in the motd. The majority of the players is using Grizzlys in almost full-auto (fast clicking) and a Honeybadger with drum mag (100 shots) and they dont even release the trigger when they see someone. It's spraaaaaaaaaaaayayayayayayyyyyyyyy and pray !
This is a funny comment regarding the current meta and this should be in the motd. The majority of the players is using Grizzlys in almost full-auto (fast clicking) and a Honeybadger with drum mag (100 shots) and they dont even release the trigger when they see someone. It's spraaaaaaaaaaaayayayayayayyyyyyyyy and pray !
Spray and pray isn't a very good tactic because you miss most shots making your ammo run, and when your out of ammo your dead unless you're a good bunny hopper or they're out of ammo too
Grizzly is one of the best sniper-rifles because it has no recoil and is semi-auto and honey badger with adaptive chambering on shoots faster than most guns in the game. To get really good scores on Sandbox you need to use the advantage of getting all attachments and guns freely, and make the best gun you can and make it work. If one gun doesn't work try another till you find the one that gets the most kills for you
Sandbox is a pure PvP based creative server, you can spawn any item or items, and save your loadout to avoid going through all that trouble spawning them again when you die, some of the most craziest things happen in sandbox. You will almost never find anyone who is friendly, as there's always KOS. From time to time, you'll encounter some of the world's best Unturned players, as tons of them play here.