SandBox Maps

  • What is your opinion of this idea? 11

    1. Hell Yeah (6) 55%
    2. Sure (0) 0%
    3. Nah (3) 27%
    4. What are you, stupid? (2) 18%

    The Maps on the sandbox servers are dull, I recently asked 23 people why they stopped playing the Freezzer Sandbox servers.
    They said the reason was they couldn't do anything. Nothing interesting since the only "popular" servers were Washington and PEI.
    I asked what they meant and most said "no where to go, there aren't any choices but to go to this place or that place." or "I cant do anything without getting blownup, shot or raided." Its fun at first but going back to this place only and that place only gets boring fast.
    Then I asked them what maps fulfilled that idea. 21 out of the 23 said Hawaii. It was big enough to support a lot of players without being cramped, you could build freely without the fear of being raided easily. Most of all, All the unique locations that made the server crazy every time you joined. In short Hawaii could bring up the player count and popularity by quite a bit if done properly.
    I personally think Hawaii is garbage for survival, that why I laughed seeing it become a freezer map awhile back. Then I joined and couldn't stop playing.
    Hope this get through to someone who can make it happen.

  • Despite what you're saying, Hawaii was one of the least popular maps when it was being run on our sandbox servers.

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