Steam profile link + name + lool1234566
Real name: Temur
Age: 14
Game and Freezzer play-time: 1429 hours and 593 hours
Recent/Currently weekly + daily play-time: ~20 hours + ~5 hours I'm active, so I'm almost able to response to a report anytime.
About yourself: I live in Germany, I know every active player on Freezzer Discord and of course, known on the Discord server. I have fun on playing games like Unturned or others like Euro Truck Simulator 2. I'm going in the 7th grade and I'm pretty cleverly. My English skills aren't perfect sometimes, but I hope that this is not a very big problem due players will understand me if I'm typing a bit 'drunk'.
Why you would be well suited to become a Support-Staff: It's a high priority for me to response to reports, due it's destroying the fun of players who are getting annoyed by a player or what the report is about. I'm being friendly to players, so they won't get scared or something else. Chasing glitchers is pretty easy due I've got very much experience on Unturned.
Note: If this application is going to get rejected, please test me firstly as Trial-Support due I might change when having the role as a Supporter.