Some of the other rocket launchers are even weaker than the normal one

Why are all the rocket launchers banned accept for the normal one (519)
Some of them were bugged, some of them were way too "op" so they got blocked via polls.
why not block the normal rpg its op and annoying if ppls spam it, if there's a big base or idk then u can use charges and it will be more fun instead of rocket spamming it, its sandbox server this is ment to have fun and not tryhard with rpg. Rpg is annoying af and way too op against ppls, you jump out of a jet and spam 20 rockets from air on example: prison on pei. Gl playing with guys that are doing it and not getting mad.
why not block the normal rpg its op and annoying if ppls spam it, if there's a big base or idk then u can use charges and it will be more fun instead of rocket spamming it, its sandbox server this is ment to have fun and not tryhard with rpg. Rpg is annoying af and way too op against ppls, you jump out of a jet and spam 20 rockets from air on example: prison on pei. Gl playing with guys that are doing it and not getting mad.
I believe there was a poll on it and people disagree with banning it.
I believe there was a poll on it and people disagree with banning it.
Well then it's quite dumb from them, rpg was never good thing on sandboxes.
Well, with the raiding nerf, RPG got another reason to not to get banned. Since it takes more than 200 bullets to raid a door, people would rather use 3 rockets.
Well, with the raiding nerf, RPG got another reason to not to get banned. Since it takes more than 200 bullets to raid a door, people would rather use 3 rockets.
they can use a c4 or dragonfang that got buffed
What's so wrong about the normal Rocket Launcher? Literally EVERY other rocket launcher is blocked.
You use c4 - takes a lot of time, probably will get shot.
You use Dfang - you make a lot of noise (unless using a silencer) and it takes time aswell.
You use a rocket launcher - it's quick, and less chance to get shot.
I see no point to complain about it.
If in PvP use your god damn dodging skills.
What's so wrong about the normal Rocket Launcher? Literally EVERY other rocket launcher is blocked.
You use c4 - takes a lot of time, probably will get shot.
You use Dfang - you make a lot of noise (unless using a silencer) and it takes time aswell.
You use a rocket launcher - it's quick, and less chance to get shot.
I see no point to complain about it.
If in PvP use your god damn dodging skills.
Are u kidding dodge skills against rpg? And if u soo Lazy to raid something with dragon or charges then just don't raid bases on sandbox lol rpg is annoying af and too op
What's so wrong about the normal Rocket Launcher? Literally EVERY other rocket launcher is blocked.
You use c4 - takes a lot of time, probably will get shot.
You use Dfang - you make a lot of noise (unless using a silencer) and it takes time aswell.
You use a rocket launcher - it's quick, and less chance to get shot.
I see no point to complain about it.
If in PvP use your god damn dodging skills.
I once killed you with a fucking rocket while you're teamed with P0IS0N.
How is that related to the discussion?
"If in PvP use your god damn dodging skills."
How is that related to the discussion?
You don't need to talk about how you killed me.
And that's just an opinion. -
You don't need to talk about how you killed me.
And that's just an opinion.Hmm..
Fair enough.