If there is then staff please move this to the reports section.
As far as I know player's cannot survive a headshot by a Hecate, even if wearing a helmet.
I have encountered a player that seems to take about five shots to the head from a Hecate to kill.
Gamer tag: evertix zgame.pl
Steam ID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198308395515
Server: Freezzer Sandbox 1-4
Time: March 15th, 2019, at around before 2:48 PM
Timezone: GMT-4
Evidence: https://youtu.be/vOTsmwSPQ8w
Sorry, but I don't know what happened to my screen record to create such bad video quality.
Edit: Don't blame my wifi because I had it upgraded to WCTell/WCFiber which is one of, if not, the best internet services you can get in my area.\
Note the suspected hacker is on the red tower.