So i was thinking in the past there has been times where there has been groups with 7+ people in it can be really annoying and ruin alot of the fun of pvp so can we get a rule for max number of people in a regular sandbox server like 5 or 6 people max in a group.

Max number of people in a group on regular sandbox
i wouldnt because sandbox not all about pvp its also about building and when there is a build you need security and for that you use sentries and if your friends aint in the same group they get shot
Good point but i am mostly talking about pvp and i dont think alot of people are more then 5 people in a group just to build
Good point but i am mostly talking about pvp and i dont think alot of people are more then 5 people in a group just to build
it can affect pvp as well because if you have lots of friends then you wont be able too see their name tag in a raid or a team deatmatch and shoot your friends on accident
even though im one of them i would like to see a more balanced server. Barlemon im sure u can remember those massives groups i used to make with 10-20 people
i wouldnt because sandbox not all about pvp its also about building and when there is a build you need security and for that you use sentries and if your friends aint in the same group they get shot
there are still the option of friendly sentries
even though im one of them i would like to see a more balanced server. Barlemon im sure u can remember those massives groups i used to make with 10-20 people
there are still the option of friendly sentries
haha...ha...... well just pretend i didnt reveal tha
haha...ha...... well just pretend i didnt reveal tha
this thread only have a haahha -
this thread only have a haahha