Impacts are op if you use them right.
They're overpowered for the reason of you can through it and it instantly blows up and kills a player.
For example if you drop on a player then you can just yeet a impact and they die. This ruins pvp because players can throw these over plates etc ruining the 1v1/pvp experience at prison, etc.

Nerfing Impacts
What are you talking about?
Now i get it impact grenades.
Camping behind plates at the prison does ruin the gameplay so NO.
john your literally asking for the maplestrike to be nerfed. stfu
Tbh i saw more ppl that kill themselves with a nade than ppl that kill their enemy with a nade
Desmond thats totally me xD
That was just an example from another thread you mister seven IQ. Maplestrike obviously won't be nerfed.
john your literally asking for the maplestrike to be nerfed. stfu
Also it doesn't concern you anymore anyway Mr toxic.