So, I just recently started playing on the Hawaii server and I had built a nice base, completely made of metal, doors and all, so in other words, no way for anyone but me to get in or out without blowing a wall or door up. So, confident in the security of my stuff, I got to sleep. I wake up this morning and log on to find all of the stuff in my base stolen, nothing weird there, but here's where it gets strange. None of my walls/doors/roofs/pillars were broken... or even damaged for that matter. They were all still the parts that I originally placed since I could salvage them all. I'm not in a group so it's not like my group members could come and steal it, so how in the hell did this happen?

Base raided without any of the walls being destroyed?
- wildsyde
- Geschlossen
That is really odd, on freezzer #7? If you are online tonight i can get on and try to check it out. Add me on steam if you want.
Freezzer #6 actually.
The weird thing is that the only things they did was break my bed, steal all of my crops and steal a canned beans that I had as a trophy from my first kill... that's it... nothing more, not my gear on my metal mannequins, nothing else.
Righttttttttt, dude if i had answers i would give the to you XD but i think this is going to require some detective stuff
ill check it out tonight.
Just to rule out any possibilities, you didn't by any chance get intoxicated and forget what happened that night? Just checking ya know
Ware your items in crates or lockers?
I think he destroyed one wall and when he steal all the items he put another wall and repair the another walls.
I think he destroyed one wall and when he steal all the items he put another wall and repair the another walls.
That's what I was going to say, but wildsyde said that there were no damage done to the walls, meaning he checked them. But, he could not have checked the floor or roofs.
This happens a lot they come in and no door or walk is replaced
Righttttttttt, dude if i had answers i would give the to you XD but i think this is going to require some detective stuff
ill check it out tonight.
Just to rule out any possibilities, you didn't by any chance get intoxicated and forget what happened that night? Just checking ya know
Nope, I don't even drink :p
No clip is still available to use out there so that could be the culprit
MAybe you used a public group as your main and someone found out and switched to it, thus giving them access to your whole base. Or he simply glitched his way inside and placed a bed with a friend outside to tpa him out.
MAybe you used a public group as your main and someone found out and switched to it, thus giving them access to your whole base. Or he simply glitched his way inside and placed a bed with a friend outside to tpa him out.
I s fixing to say the same thing, it could've been a group member trying to troll you or something
I s fixing to say the same thing, it could've been a group member trying to troll you or something
Nah, I don;t even have a group selected at.
Weard! Maby he hacked?
Could it have been a server issue, like the server could've had a problem and have an unknown crash resetting you moving the items into a locker
Get him his beans back!
There's tons of glitches which people secretly use to sneak into bases. I'm sure whoever raided him, didn't hack, nor was it a bug, as other people would have made threads about it, too.
There's tons of glitches which people secretly use to sneak into bases.
I can confirm there is currently a "glitch/exploit" that is pretty easy to abuse which allows you to break into any base as long as it doesn't have a claim flag.
"No clipping" aka "wall hacks" are also available in a few private hacks, so that could always be a possibility as well. -
I got raided the same way
Karma how easy is it for these hacks to bypass BE?