I recently got an MVP subscripson and thought that when it said /load on and /skill on by defalt it ment that I don't have to turn it on ever again. So I tried it out and it did not work I have to do the commands every so often because it changes it from on to off. I don't know if this is a bug or what so please help!

/load on and /skill on not working all the time.
- Mine_Man2005
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Every time the server resets, you have to type "/load on" and "/skill on". MVP just means (among other things) that you don't have to vote to be able to turn auto load on.
BUT, now that the sandbox servers dont reset - they just restart - as a vip you dont have to type "/load on" more than once anymore.
or every time that I lose connection......
Every normal player has to vote over and over again whenever they want to access /load on and /skill on. You will never need to vote again
I mean will disconnecting from the server cause me to have to do /load on and /skill on again?
No lol, since the server restarts no longer restarts anything physical in the server, the player will be in the same spot as before the restart, which means their loadout will still be there. And if you die, you won't have to /load or /load on as your loadout will be automatically loaded.
Ok thanks!!! In my case I have horable internet so I lose connection every 5 min....
You can close the thread now.
Issue solved. Thread closed.