I got muted for 'racism' but when my mate asked have u got proof he said he didnt have to show any? Look i have no problems with admins doing there job and i dont deny that i may have said 'neagar' But pls I have never seen this admin before and muted for the past? oh cmon I dont mind if i dont get unmuted just want to know why

- Scopethepope/Legolas
- Erledigt
Reason: Consistent bad language and racial slurs
Code- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'LOCAL', 'hi', '2017-04-07 16:08:18'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'wtf?', '2017-04-07 15:58:45'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'kys u shit cunt', '2017-04-07 15:40:51'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'load on', '2017-04-07 15:34:21'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'can we hurry this up i wanna get a 9 kd by the end of the night', '2017-04-07 01:05:49'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'have seen him around sounds like the real one', '2017-04-07 01:05:06'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'jesus christ u kids are lickasses', '2017-04-07 01:04:40'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'should have played that smart', '2017-04-07 01:03:24'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', '10k u guys gonna fix the disconnected glitch or is it unfixable...', '2017-04-07 00:55:29'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'stalker where was he?', '2017-04-07 00:47:36'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'ah', '2017-04-06 20:06:24'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'havnt seen u kills someone in a while', '2017-04-06 20:06:09'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'head how do u have most kills?#', '2017-04-06 20:05:44'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GROUP', 'on the hill', '2017-04-06 20:01:25'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'huge give away', '2017-04-06 20:01:14'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'klaj turn ur mythicals off', '2017-04-06 20:01:06'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'there was so many yet u couldnt kill me...', '2017-04-06 18:19:17'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'pingu if u barricade again im reportin u', '2017-04-06 01:32:31'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'still got him down over 30 hp when he jumped out with a mata', '2017-04-06 01:09:31'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'ye he was', '2017-04-06 01:09:18'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'i was shootin down a barricade and he came from behind...', '2017-04-06 01:02:35'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'me?', '2017-04-06 01:02:10'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'me?', '2017-04-06 01:02:00'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'XD', '2017-04-05 23:39:18'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'just know if u had killed me i would have uninstalled', '2017-04-05 23:38:52'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'u actually tried to nade me', '2017-04-05 23:38:35'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'kodo do u mind?', '2017-04-05 23:33:59'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'everytime i die my kd goes down so much', '2017-04-05 23:29:35'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'thought he was out of bounds smh', '2017-04-05 23:29:10'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'oh ffs', '2017-04-05 23:29:05'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'mhm', '2017-04-05 23:22:18'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'my accuracy has gotteb worse over the last 2 weeks thanks to my mouse D:', '2017-04-05 23:16:38'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'ugh', '2017-04-05 23:16:21'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'spawn protection + 10 fps = cancer XD', '2017-04-05 20:30:39'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'spawn protection', '2017-04-05 20:30:19'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'smh', '2017-04-05 20:30:13'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'yung is chinese lol', '2017-04-05 20:12:18'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'yung is in the midle', '2017-04-05 20:11:31'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'now he is in the middle', '2017-04-05 20:11:20'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'yung easy is at a house', '2017-04-05 20:11:16'
- '[Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'i cant run this server', '2017-04-05 16:03:38'
- '[Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'tpa a', '2017-04-05 16:01:42'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'so was i...', '2017-04-05 14:56:01'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'i went to the roof to kill u', '2017-04-05 14:55:49'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'and u werent?', '2017-04-05 14:55:37'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'save', '2017-04-05 14:52:49'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'do /sace', '2017-04-05 14:52:47'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'yeye', '2017-04-05 14:49:32'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'u still in dbmg??', '2017-04-05 14:49:10'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'lorenzo :)', '2017-04-05 14:49:00'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', '\'camper\'', '2017-04-05 14:29:23'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'nigga', '2017-04-05 14:23:59'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'im on windowed.,.. dont have to tab out', '2017-04-05 14:23:41'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'i was checking my discord XD', '2017-04-05 14:23:14'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'and kills me', '2017-04-05 14:04:34'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'i spray him for 10 seconds durin spawn protection and then he just turn and kills me smh', '2017-04-05 14:04:28'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', '\"i cheat on\"', '2017-04-05 14:03:24'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'i lost 60 hp while in invicibility///', '2017-04-05 13:56:08'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'they are so shit', '2017-04-05 13:53:01'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'fish didnt u have a 7.30 kd?', '2017-04-05 13:51:38'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'type /load on', '2017-04-05 02:45:53'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'oh XD', '2017-04-05 01:02:18'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'what is that?', '2017-04-05 01:01:37'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'shut up sock u cock', '2017-04-05 00:44:51'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'kys', '2017-04-05 00:24:23'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'XD', '2017-04-05 00:24:07'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'do what?', '2017-04-05 00:20:55'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'yup', '2017-04-05 00:20:43'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'keep goin u salty kid', '2017-04-05 00:20:29'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'mhm', '2017-04-05 00:20:26'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'to impress u', '2017-04-05 00:20:05'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'mate ... im not gonna leave u alive', '2017-04-05 00:20:03'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'cop on', '2017-04-05 00:19:55'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'was i meant to wait for u to heal?', '2017-04-05 00:19:52'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'storm im on 160....', '2017-04-05 00:18:42'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'u got me once, i got u 100 times...', '2017-04-05 00:14:13'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'aw that i seen u run', '2017-04-04 23:17:00'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'oh shut up yung come to redcloak chat', '2017-04-04 22:56:06'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'u afraid to pvp me?', '2017-04-04 22:46:46'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', '2 v 1?', '2017-04-04 22:38:42'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'that 1fps lag spike', '2017-04-04 22:30:46'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'u have a 7kd yet u barricade urself cmon', '2017-04-04 22:29:48'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'cant face to face pvp me?', '2017-04-04 21:18:59'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GROUP', 'sock discord', '2017-04-04 21:14:36'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'legend only killin me from behind or side damn', '2017-04-04 20:59:46'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'how did u miss so many shots', '2017-04-04 20:55:04'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'casper ur so shit', '2017-04-04 20:54:56'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'brb', '2017-04-04 20:10:49'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'thought u barricaded XD', '2017-04-04 20:09:56'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', '??', '2017-04-04 20:09:44'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'whos alive?', '2017-04-04 20:08:40'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'GLOBAL', 'ty guys', '2017-04-04 20:07:38'
- '[Player] [Yecc]Scopethepope', 'LOCAL', 'pls fuck off', '2017-04-04 20:07:05'
first off 'Middy's' nickname in yecc is neagar and ye i suppose i was salty when the guy said 'ez' after he camped me for ages i apologize for my toxic behaviour and hope we can put this behind us once the 2 day ban is up.
first off 'Middy's' nickname in yecc is neagar and ye i suppose i was salty when the guy said 'ez' after he camped me for ages i apologize for my toxic behaviour and hope we can put this behind us once the 2 day ban is up.
As long as the toxic behavior stops
Dw it will