I want to take courage to make a application
1. How old are you?
I am 15 years old Turrning 16 on May
2. How will you help the server?
I have Experience with hackers and know how the work and i will ban them as soon as possible but only if i got the proof to go with it, but i dont think it will be a problem cus we have battle eye. I help alot of people when i play on the server if they are kind to me at first. I love to meet new people and help them get started but if i meet spammers, non-english Speaking i simply warn them to stop spamming or talk english in the Main chat. Unturned pvp and how the server is set up, really brings a lot of potential to the table, and i would hate to see it being ruined by players who just want to hack and destroy the reputation of the latter.Also If i get admin gonna kick Annoying kids who spaming or flamer and be toxic.
I have speak with too many Admins so i know how to work now. I will be on most of the time to answer or help any of what you guys want.
3. What makes you different from the other players?
I'm a different character always have my own personality
with my own feelings,I always help my fellowman,when he wants my help
I Made a lot of friends in this game but all gone , i am feeling alone but some friends stay
i hate when some ''kids'' rage on mic and spamming on the chat.Also i am online Always i can help in tha game or private chat
someone who wants my help!.Further more my experience into the game provides me with a lot of knowledge to persuit different situations that are hard to handle,. Also i try to keep my head straight and be friendly to everyone.Some People Judge me about myself...well i dont listen to them.I Will Also Encourage People To Use English In Main Chat Or Ask Them To Use Are Chat Or Create A Group!.Well I like to consider myself unique from average players in this community, as I will try to help fresh spawns and team with them and help them get their experience rising from every minute they play this game and people who just joined the community
4. Have you ever been banned on the server?
Yes one time,but i never do it again, i give my promise to everyone.
Thank you verry much Karma for Everything,This guy teach me how to play :")
5. What are your future plans to change this server to a better place?
Actually are that Im gonna be as Active much as possible on the Servers and have fun with everyone on the server ofc but also check every person that has been reported Cheating or rule breaking.I want to change the world, I mean the server
I can do everything for the good of the server because i really really love that server
We can apply new plans for the future new tactic new qualifications to do the server the top. also advertise the server to the steam and specifically in unturned we can also
putting sentences in hackers as 1 day or 2 days if they do it again they get perma ban
beacuse thats reduces the players.Will allow me to help the server grow into a better place where people can play and have a good time.I do have alot of plans for the server to try to make it even more fun which is going to be hard
6. What rank are you applying for?
7. Other info (Optional)
I have been a Admin on other servers on Unturned,ZombieTown,NukeTown(Not Famous servers)
have Experience of being,Admin and MVP (MVP is like Moderator).
Well i am from Norway, Oslo.Also have more 700+ Going for 800 in Unturned And i have most points on tha game like 20000+.
I really love and respect your servers as it is unique and it keeps me entertainment every time.
I am speaking 2 language English, Norwegian.
and am sorry for everyone!I Can Have More Uptime And Assist More Players
Gmail: [email protected]
8. Your IGN.
9. Steam Profile Link.

Slayer application
- Slayer
- Geschlossen
sorry but for the time we are going to DENY your application for the time being. Your hours are incorrect you only have 400+ hours in Unturned.
I forgot to say i have many account i can put the links down here if you want
Why multiple accounts?
Because i usually play csgo and im hacking with friends and got banned haha so i move unturned account to
We don't want hackers in our team, who will just get VAC banned within a month.
i really think i can help the community
It was for 1 year ago please.
And that i dont hack in unturned.
Please try to keep number of posts to a minimum. Could you post links to your other steam profiles please?
I really can be a help for the community. Why dont we have a trial so you guys can check me out in action
I see you have put some effort into this application, however your English skills are slightly lacking and you do not meet the age requirement. Furthermore, you have simply re-applied after being denied with a different alias, and for that reason you are being declined yet again, and banned from making any further staff applications.
Thread Closed
Slayer, this is your second application (first one) in the space of 30min. The first one being under the username of Contryx . Not only did you attempt to evade our staff selection process, you also lied about your age and other details on either of your application which don't coincide in both applications.
As RenegadeNine said above, our verdict is final.