Application: Support-Staff

  • Steam profile link + name:Steam profile link for my Steam acc "⎛⎝Extiny⎠⎞"

    Real name: Julio

    Age: 19

    Game and Freezzer play-time: 940hours in Unturned and many(definitely over 100 of them) on the Freezzer Servers(I actually don't know where to look it up)

    Recent/current weekly + daily play-time:round about 1hour per day

    Why you would be well suited to become a Support-Staff: Because I know how to behave on your servers, know the rules, have enough in-game experience to detect suspicious actions and am a coming player on your servers. Freezzer servers are the only one I play on since 1 1/2 years. My KD doesnt reflect my competence to be a Support-Staff but my experience in-game and the knowledge you should have about the game(it's 3,04 btw). My application to become a Moderator got declined but I hope this one might work.

    I would be delighted to get a response to this application

    Best regards,


  • Vektonix Ich weiß zwar nicht, wie du darauf kommst, deine Bewerbung in Englisch zu verfassen... Aber egal in welcher Sprache du sie schreibst, sie wird wohl immer abgelehnt werden.

    Du bist schon seit langem bei uns und daher besser als Stammspieler, anstatt als Supporter zu gebrauchen. Von deiner Art her passt du auf gar keinen Fall in unser Team, was aber auch überhaupt nicht schlimm ist.

    Trotzdem ein großes Danke für deine Treue zu unserem Server! :)

    ~ ACE | Inv1ncible

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