Steam ID http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198254611871/
IGN : Mr.Panda ツ
Age : 16
Country : Romania
Hours Played : I played around 100 hours and on my other steam account more then 150 hours
Why i think i should be a staff member:
I think i should be a staff member because i have experience in pvp servers and i want to help the freezzer community from "toxic" players and glitchers that make the other peoaple feel bad.You cant play in an server without seeing somebody saying somethink rude after he died or stuff like that.I like playng on all the freezzer servers.When i usualy see a new person to the server im tryng to explain them how sandbox mod works and not just shot them when they spawn.I am very friendly and interactive with peoaple. I currently have 820+ hours in unturned. I usualy play around 3-9 hours daily on your server.I an active player in chat. Is not a new think for me looking for hackers or glitchers. I readed all the freezzer rules and i agree to all of them.I can play around 45 50 hours per week unturned.
Thanks for reading

Moderator Application
- Mr.Panda
- Geschlossen
Could you add some more detail to your application? For example;
- Previous experience of moderating
- Gaming history (such as how did you get into gaming, how long have you been gaming for?)
- What could you bring to the team and community?
- What would you do, as a staff member, in the scenario of someone glitching? What actions would you take?
Also note a short interview via Discord may need to be organised for a further date
- Previous experience of moderating: I was modertaotr on rp servers/pvp servers
- Gaming history (such as how did you get into gaming, how long have you been gaming for?): I got into gaming with a friend we were watching videos on yt and we wanted to be gamers ive been gaming for around 3 years
- What could you bring to the team and community?:I could bring a safer gameplay ( stop glitchers and hackers) appearance and help the community with the small issues
-What would you do, as a staff member, in the scenario of someone glitching? What actions would you take? First i will ask the staff team and if they agree to kick/tempban/perm ban the respective player and i will say in what way they were glitching and if they were exloiting the glitch
Thanks for reading
- Previous experience of moderating: I was moderator on yolos rp jobs/towns and yolos arena/kits/xp
Application declined for reasons explained to the applicant.
Thread Closed
For clarification, we have decided to decline your application at this point - we may re-evaluate this application at a later time if you remain active and involved with the community.
But for the time being this decision is final.
Thank you for your time and your application.Dan and the Freezzer Gaming Team