The Freezzer servers implemented the 'Market-System' Plugin for this kind of trades. Look through the Commandstab and you will see how it works.
I know but I posted it, to advertise it and because some people don't know how to use the market.
I've posted signs like this at spawn points and high traffic areas after having stuff sit on market without being bought, it works. Adding the command and item numbers to the signs like "do /mbuy xxxx" helps people who don't know how to use the market.
You probably should use metal signs so they can't be changed by others though.
thanks i might add that later XD its late , but yes they are metal signs
Hello there,
It's always good to advertise some of your offers because not everyone is aware of the market.
I'd do it that way too if I'm looking for someone to buy my stuff.
See you,
[US] Col. Quell