I've added a command to /vote for day/night. Take a look at our commands page to get more info on how to use it.
Beiträge von Simon
Found the error, will be fixed after server restart. Thank you for your report.
Will be fixed after server restart. Thanks for the report.
Penguin Please DM me in Discord. I would like to collect some more information.
You don't really know what real P2W actually is, don't you?
Anyway, as zamstig66 said, you have to buy a rank to use /home.
An den Trusted-Rängen wurde nichts verändert. Wenn du allerdings Personen hast, die deiner Meinung nach den Rang erhalten sollten, schreib mir kurz über TS.
Sandbox #1-4 is now on California.
Hello, please rejoin and try again.
Entbannungsantrag genehmigt. Du wurdest entbannt.
future2600 It's a server mode where you can spawn almost anything you want with commands ( items + vehicles ) .
Issue has been solved. Thank you for your patience.
Try to turn off AutoLoad (/load off).
What exactly is your problem? Can you describe what you're trying to do?
Es sollte kein Problem sein, dir den TS-Rang zurückzugeben. Melde dich einfach bei mir sobald du auf dem TS bist.
Can you send us your Steam profile link?
All commands are working again.
Not to mention how many times you died to get 3 clips.