I could probably make a bot for those update notes.
Beiträge von Simon
It's not, atleast not for now. Maybe you will be able to cancel your offer in the future.
Thanks Acid but I need a video if you can replicate the bug somehow. I'll then look into it and report it (same with this weird RPG bug).
Nesatorix Why don't you edit your thread and start a poll?
Can someone send me a video proof? Maybe with some explanation.
Hello Michael,
thank you for your application. We have do decline your application because of your chat history in our servers. We'll get back to you as soon as your chat history looks a bit "more friendly".
Application denied. Thread closed.
Hallo TiboAngel,
deine Bewerbung wurde leider abgelehnt. Es ist uns des öfteren zu Ohren gekommen, dass du ab und zu ausfallend wirst, dies haben wir natürlich überprüft. Außerdem waren mehrere Spieler nicht gut auf dich zu sprechen (Namen werde ich nicht nennen). Hinzu kommt das deine Bewerbung an sich dies nicht "wiedergutmachen" konnte.
Wir wünschen dir natürlich weiterhin viel Spaß und Erfolg auf unseren Servern.
Hello Jack, thank you for your application. I'm sorry to say that but you must have some more playtime in our servers (min. 150h), your application is O.k. tho.
Application denied. Thread closed.
Can you send me your Steam profile?
Hey folks,
old structures and barricades gets automatically deleted now after 2 hours (if you're not connected to the server) to prevent FPS drops.
Can you send me your Steam profile?
Hey folks,
I've decreased the maximum slots in our sandbox servers from 40 to 36 (except servers in the US). Unturned (server + client) runs much smoother then I guess.
Er funktioniert wieder. Sorry für die Downtime.
Hello and welcome! Can you send me your Steam-Profile?
It'll get removed if it's out of fuel and no player is driving for 3 hours.
There is already a thread. Invisible Hacker
I've added a plugin to remove vehicles which are out of fuel and "inactive" for 3 hours automatically.