It takes more than one shot to kill, doesn't shoot too fast and has barely any range, if you see someone with it the don't go within 5 meters of them. It's not rocket science
Beiträge von Leo_G
Oh sorry I should have stated that this was for sandbox
Hmmmm could people please say why if they don't want them back as I have no clue why you wouldn't want them back
Really? Wow when I played on them they usually had a lot of players, not so much blood island but definitely buzz island
I don't know about other people, but my friends and I really enjoyed maps like Buzz Island and Blood Island and I just wanted to see if others wanted them back. I also wanted to know the owners reasons for removing them.
where do you see ninja it's says Samuria lol. And that day the ping for me was really high because that was on an EU server when I live in the US.
It said ninja you changed it to samurai
IF you edit the game files doesn't it only work in singleplayer? Or can a server owner do it?
Wow those people you killed really were terrible at pvp, but I guess you do lag around a lot which would make it hard to shoot you. Also, no offense, you were pretty bad with a sword, unless that was your bad internet then I stand corrected. One last thing, (sorry for laying into you) a samurai is not a ninja and ninja did not use katana.
Renegade people pay anyways cause they wanna be betyer then other ppl (which theyre not) so 2nd slot is like adding uhh unbanning like hmg
Uhhh... how does a second slot give people an advantage? And what do you mean by renegade?
They can only spawn 3 boxes per hour so I don't think that's a huge advantage.
Ok didn't realise that
I think that if you are banning jet ammo don't make it so that people who can pay get an advantage and can spawn it in. That is pay to win
The jet is so easy to shoot down. In fact, I actually like shooting jets down
I once watched a tv program (don't remember what it was it was about 5 years ago) and it said that you should just type it and then backspace it and not send it. Apparently it releases your anger but you don't actually offend anyone. I think it was a cartoon actually, but still give it a try.
I'm not getting worked up. I'm assuming you're really sensitive.
Yeah ok I'd say that this conversation has come to a close, I really don't know why you keep coming back to it. And no I'm not overly sensitive.
Ahh ok my bad but still don't get worked up pretty please
Sure you're good, but I think there is much more skill in 1st person than looking around a corner with 3rd person, prefiring, and then madly spraying.
How about removing the ammo?
I think Freenex has a good compromise
Many people do. The world doesn't revolve around you.
Woah calm done haha. The Hawaii servers were removed for a reason, and that was that it was the least played so please check your facts
maybe a plug in that stops people teleporting for3 seconds after getting damaged?
I believe 10k was getting confused between the vehicle loadouts, which we give people 2 of for free. If we keep adding 'freebies' there is less incentive for people to donate, and donations are what keep the servers going.
ok yeah good point but still I'm a poor little kid with no money haha