actually, modbox never worked for me. It would say "missing assets" and pretty much that's it.
Beiträge von Deathstalker
and I'm renaming it to Unturned: Gets Alive then Dies again Edition
indeed XD
Ik but nelson renamed it to Unturned 2
you mean Unturned 2
I agree with the latest post on nerfing the rocket, however I have a different idea on how to nerf it. Instead of reducing it's damage to 0, reduce the explosion size by 50%-70% so it would be less likely to kill players, but still effective against structures. If its possible, you could lower the damage done to players by 40%-60%, but keep the current damage for structures.
i voted no because the rocket launcher is important to destroy structures
I disagree, you can use things like charges, guns (such as the matamorez and grizzly). Plus, banning the rocket launcher would get rid of those "Nubs" who have no skill at all.
You can use /i {id or name} (Ex. /i maplestrike or /i 99) and /v {vehicle id} to spawn items and vehicles
Does the server still say this? it shouldn't really stay as a permanent error
'' Jet god'' what a stuppid sentence
True, but you spelled "Stupid" wrong XD
null your statistics?
Did you happen to take a screenshot of the base?
If you constantly have to replace them, it gives some challenge to things like bullet drop/spread (which barrels, suppressors, etc. give). If it has unlimited durability, you wouldn't have to change it during battle.
Many players may or may not know that some people play with 500+ ping. I am starting a poll to limit the ping cutoff (auto kick when ping goes above level) so we can avoid these so called "Pingers". These people (who play with 500+ ping) have almost wall-hack/aimbot capabilities. Lets say you are running into a building, or house, and you cross a Pinger. To yourself you may be inside the house/building, but not to the Pinger
. You can imagine what happens after that.
And on this server is playing 2 cheaters they're shooting through walls and have aimbot
I'm just going to say this. There's two types of cheaters, Actual ones, and what I like to call... "Pingers". Pingers in a way "Shoot through walls" because lets just say you go into a building, but to the pinger, your still outside. you also move slower to them, making it easier to kill you. If you think it was actual cheaters, I recommend providing evidence.
I don't really see a reason for it. It would be good, but then that's one less thing taken from skill based weapons
It sounds like you've been griefed (trolled, etc. whatever you wanna call it) although its annoying, its not bannable.
you're supposed to get into a good position or hide during that time, i dont think we need to change it.
I agree. The protection exists to stop Spawn Killers from getting free kills...
uhhh…. ok then