Beiträge von iMasky

    Is there anywhere you can find out for certain if someone is battle eye banned from a server? because if he was banned by BE it would happen before the staff banned him. It is an instantaneous thing. If he is not battle-eye banned (can be tested if needs be) then i think it is unfair for his appeal that we be raising it as an issue.



    I'm currently not battleye banned as I am able to play on other multiplayer servers in Unturned

    At the end of the day, Masky was banned by BattleEye, so he will not be able to play Unturned on that account anymore. Even if a server ban is overturned, he will still need to make a new Steam account to play.

    How can you guys defend his BattleEye ban and why was he indeed banned by it?

    Is that how Battleye works? (I honestly have no knowledge about this) because I'm currently playing Unturned on my Account that I got "banned" on.

    What does my play time have to do with my ability to acquire an APC on a server?

    iMasky I wouldn't bother defending yourself any longer, I think its clear you were hacking and you even admitted it (even though you now claim it was sarcasm). A real man would just face up to it and admit it and take the consequences - not make excuses

    Do not tell me when I can stop defending myself, I am not nor will I ever be a 'hacker' I have not once used a '3rd party' software to get an unfair advantage on a game. I am not "claiming" that was sarcasm, it was sarcasm, they had used a message on my steam profile as evidence that I was a 'hacker' the evidence being that some random individual said that said I was hacking on CS:GO on my steam. When I said "well im off to go hack on CS:GO now" I was attempting to to be humours to the fact that a random individual had said I was hacking automatically made me a cheater.

    I was watching the group of people on the bridge near Seattle and I assume that included you, looking up at the sky shooting and typing in chat that there was a flying player. I was watching your group of people from the top of the silver apartment building in Seattle along with my friend "thedragon455" (which at the time I was attempting to create a small home in the apartment). I had even shot one of you while you were observing the flying player which did gain their attention.

    Well, he states that he was on top of a silver building within Seattle and arrived seconds later after the hacker vanished for you. Then you guys opened fire on Matt. And one more thing that I don't understand, how exactly did you guys deduce that it was Matthew that was apparently "flying" in the air? There's no possible way you could see a name-tag from that far away.

    They stated that I was wearing the same clothes as the hacker which was a full desert military uniform, which is how they deduced that I was the hacker

    After you were banned from the server, you were then automatically banned by BattleEye. Being banned from the server and being banned by BattleEye are totally exclusive from each other.

    Additionally, the question wasn't whether you could buy the APC, but why it was totally unlockable, even with a stealy.

    cleary being unable to unlock an APC was a in-game error and not a malicious hack

    "Also, don't forget the Forest APC aspect of my testimonial. A green APC does not spawn on Washington, and he just so happened to be able to acquire one, with only 18 hours on Unturuned." I was able to get the APC using the servers own online store using the command "/buy v.119 1 100"

    Steam profile:

    Reason for ban: using "god mode" and "fly hacks" 

    Date of ban: 2017-02-19 05:42:34 

    Server you were banned on: "Freezer #2"

    Staff member who banned you: B0y Wond3r |

    Why you think you should be unbanned: I'm requesting to be unbanned because of the lack of evidence and evidence provided to me. The evidence provided to me was, being called a hacker in CS:GO on my steam profile page. Having an "unlock-able" APC. I was also accused of being a hacker because I had purchased a APC withing the servers store (which only costed $400, in game currency, using the command "/buy v.119 1 100") they claimed that I was using flying hacks, and god mods hacks with the only evidence being a screenshot, which in my own opinion shows either a render glitch or a glitch on the servers part (I mean no disrespect to the server). They claimed that it wasn't possible to purchase and APC or find it within the game. They also claimed that it was not possible for me to even afford the APC itself withing the time I've played on the server (using the games on economy system I was able to sell many items that I had found while playing the game, I was then able to purchase an APC). They claimed that I also used 3rd party software to use 'hacks'. I have no idea on how to use hacks within the game when I have both Battleye and VAC enabled (which is why I sent the screenshot of my Unturned because I'm unsure if I can use it as evidence that I don't use hacks). Thank you for taking the time to read this.