Beiträge von Vektonix
You used exploits of the game to get an unfair advantage
like use internet explorer or google chroime firefox etc
Try another browser
join-Code: qbs3CXM
Calkofski ?????? Mit 4 HP hätte dich alles getötet, auch die MP7?
RenegadeNine ok then im gonna say that you are not well suited for being an moderator in this forum
I deleted the "idiot" but i still guess you dont act like a mod
RenegadeNine you even read the ban appeal? Wtf that is not how you are supposed to answer
He says that he should be grateful to only be banned 30days and not for like 100 or sth, there arepeople who get banned permanently
Yeee I hope that was correct
Who cares about dying in Sandbox anyway? You can just respawn and full equip again why combat tpa then
10k maybe he should mention that he means the sandbox servers
Erebus you have to wait 10 seconds anyway to disconnect
RenegadeNine That doesn't stop it to get removed? You see most people think it's annoying
I voted No because why should you remove things a Developer intentionally added. I guess it's only annoying for Sandbox
K/D wird erst ab 1000(?!) Kills angezeigt
Das heißt ja trotzdem dass du sehr inaktiv bist
Seems like no one takes his case serious
MonsterKiller Dude be patient, I'm sure a Staff member will ccome back to your case and help you you can't expect them to answer in a only a few minutes
dat B0y Wond3r What is your problem with Mr.Panda he is asking the question you usually ask, so you don't have to ask them, he tries to help