ım not cheater

titel unbann me please
Make a proper appeal using this format, this appeal will get you nowhere.
Yes i know there are a lot of Informations missing. But it just took me 20 minutes to get him known to our homepage and to make him write a thread. He is barely able to speak english RenegadeNine .
He is turkish and not able to communicate in english.I hope we can make him be able to communicate and in the end we can maybe unban him.
Yes i know there are a lot of Informations missing. But it just took me 20 minutes to get him known to our homepage and to make him write a thread. He is barely able to speak english RenegadeNine .
He is turkish and not able to communicate in english.I hope we can make him be able to communicate and in the end we can maybe unban him.
English or not, he still has to make a proper appeal if he really wants to get unbanned.